PiCal time zone error - events displayed on wrong date
  • 2005/4/25 16:41

  • rajaito

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 109

  • Since: 2005/1/3 1

I have heard so many complaints about posting help requests on more then one forum, but after posting this issue on the pical website and recieving absolutely no response, I am going to turn here in hopes that someone knows what is wrong with this module.


My calendar is showing events on the wrong day.
Browsing through the table maintenance tab I recieved the error message below.


Table Maintenance :

There are {some number of} event(s) which is recorded with wrong timezone.

Do you repair them ?

I selected the GO! submit button.

Immediately after, events are being shown as happening the day before the date they are being posted on. I couldn't find anything that allows me to revert or unrepair the tables.

Our users are also complaining that events they post are not showing up.

I must also add that in the core XOOPS files where it asks for our timezone we selected -7 Mountain time. That's us here in Colorado.

I appreciate any immediate help you guys can offer. I have had to completely disable the pical calendar because it is displaying wrong information.

Re: PiCal 7.0 time zone error - events displayed on wrong date

You have to remember - time is not absolute, time (except swat-time) in each moment is different in different location.

When you play with time-interval, you can consider checking:
- correct server timezone
- correct timezone of user.
- defined in pical's events timezone of event.

It's rather obvious, that event entered in my TZ (GMT +0500) will get another time from you location (and maybe even date)
Which date-time will be shown to you in this event, for example, as anonymous user and as registered with correct, your timezone?
BTW - Pical 7.0 doesn't exist, last version, AFAIK, 0.76 (and note - it's development build)


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