Zmagazine 'This is a test header 2' removal...help!
  • 2005/3/3 5:57

  • musashi74

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  • Posts: 18

  • Since: 2005/2/15

How the heck do you get rid of the 'This is a test header 2' text at the top of the index page within Zmagazine? I've searched all the files in the module directory, and I can't for the life of me figure out where it's coming from or how to edit it.

Here's the page:


Thanks in advance!

Re: Zmagazine 'This is a test header 2' removal...help! FIXED
  • 2005/3/5 13:44

  • musashi74

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  • Posts: 18

  • Since: 2005/2/15

Sorry to respond to my own thread, but I managed to crack this nut on my own.

For anyone else out there using Zmagazine, and can't fix this problem, here's how I did it. There may be an easier method, but I ended up editing the field in the MySQL database by hand. It's the zmagazine config file, under the field 'indexheader'. I suppose I could have put something more compelling in there, but I just wanted the bastard GONE.

Thanks, guys.

Re: Zmagazine 'This is a test header 2' removal...help! FIXED
  • 2005/10/14 11:29

  • -Page

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  • Since: 2004/7/16

Field Type
Length/Values* Attributes Null Default** Extra

How do you manually edit this?

Can you just drop it?

Re: Zmagazine 'This is a test header 2' removal...help! FIXED
  • 2005/11/18 13:55

  • blueteen

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 379

  • Since: 2004/7/16

Using phpmyadmin, edit your 'xoops_zmag_config` table, then delete 'indexheader' value, save and it's ok :)


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