blocks part of xoops mailing?


It could possibly because we block the user 'nobody' from sending any
e-mails. The user 'nobody' is used by many scripts which could than cause
loads amount of spams.

My web host sent me this, and i was woundering if there is any way to get around this?
Cuz i cant send mail to users, i cant send confirmation mails or anything...

Re: blocks part of xoops mailing?
  • 2005/2/27 9:45

  • hyperpod

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 359

  • Since: 2004/10/4

Well, I havent used it yet and cant say it perfectly addresses your issue, but in XOOPS admin there is a Mail Preferences section. (under System Admin|Preferences|Mail Setup)

As far as I know, I think its possible to put in YOUR SMTP account so then your XOOPS site will actually send mail as YOU.

Here is a copy paste of the options list:

FROM address
FROM name
FROM user

When the system sends a private message, which user should appear to have sent it?
Mail delivery method

Method used to deliver mail. Default is "mail", use others only if that makes trouble.
Path to sendmail

Path to the sendmail program (or substitute) on the webserver.
SMTP host(s)

List of SMTP servers to try to connect to.
SMTPAuth username

Username to connect to an SMTP host with SMTPAuth.
SMTPAuth password

Password to connect to an SMTP host with SMTPAuth.

SO setting the mail delivery method to SMTP and then listing YOUR smtp server and theoretically, you can solve the problem your having on your current host. (btw not all hosts have this problem)

I dont know alot about SMTPAuth, so i would try SMTP.

I did try this b4, didnt get it to work, but only spent like 5 minutes trying.

I think this could be explored more and tested by you to solve your issue.

You might even just be able to supply a from name using PHPmail() and avoid the nobody problem. it would need to be tested by you on your host, since my host allows any mail sent by phpmail().

Hopefully, someone here can enlighten us on these options and how,why they work.



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