Editing the anonymous aeria
  • 2005/1/17 10:59

  • ipool

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2005/1/17

As i have installed the xoops, the modules I've installed are only visible at the members aeria. How do I edit the modules visible for everybody? As ex. Ads forums and more?
Thanks for your Help


Re: Editing the anonymous aeria
  • 2005/1/17 12:21

  • rcjohnson

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 187

  • Since: 2004/7/23

Go to your Administration | System Admin | Groups:

Under "Edit Groups" you'll see a list of all the current user groups. Select the "Modify" link near the group you want to add permissions or access authorization and rights to.

Then a page with a list of all the installed modules and blocks will appear again. Select the module and blocks you want any given group to have access to.

The Group access permissions are divided into several sections:
System Admin Rights
Modules Admin Rights
Module Access Rights
Block Access Rights.

You'll not want to give anon users Admin rights to any modules or blocks, otherwise they'll be able to edit or even perhaps destroy all your hard work.

When configuring groups to see blocks you’ll need to ensure that a user has "Module Access rights" to any module you give them "block access rights" to. Since most modules consist of several blocks, you can also limit which parts of any given module a user has access to.

That should get you started.


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