For anyone still looking for an answer, try this ...
If you want to change '26th Apr' to 'Apr 26th', edit piCal/language/english/pical_constants.php, and change this:
define('_PICAL_FMT_MD','%2$s %1$s') ;
to this:
define('_PICAL_FMT_MD','%1$s %2$s') ;
If you want to change '26th Apr' to 'Apr 26th 2005' edit piCal/class/piCal_xoops.php, and change this code in function get_block_array_coming_event (line 398):
$start_desc = sprintf( _PICAL_FMT_MD , $this->month_middle_names[ date( 'n' , $start_for_date ) ] , $this->date_long_names[ date( 'j' , $start_for_date ) ] ) ;
to this:
$start_desc = sprintf( _PICAL_FMT_YMD , $this->year, $this->date_long_names[ date( 'j' , $start_for_date ) ], $this->month_middle_names[ date( 'n' , $start_for_date ) ] ) ;
Hope someone finds this useful.