I'm not much for mucking around with code but I don't think the following things I'm about to list are "too difficult" (they're just confusing for a dope like me) but anyway here are my initial suggestions for the new AMS module:
1) The ability to automatically choose "read more" to extend your articles. Both on the page that list the articles and even more importantly in the recent news - spotlight block. This just seems like a basic thing that would be great to have.
2) A duplicate of the module. Many people need more than one instance of content management modules. I know there's an instruction on this site for duplicating a module but the language isn't clear...though I must admit their English is a helluva lot better than my French.
3) Koivi integration. I know that Koivi is supposed to be added to the XOOPS core, so I guess this request is "whoever can do it first."
Anyway, thanks to everyone (who isn't a dope like me) for their hard work. It is much appreciated.