Error on Clean Install - Not a valid Directory resource
  • 2002/6/30 18:34

  • efarmboy

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  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2002/6/17

Hi, I have RC3_01 installed and have no problems. Decided to install RC3_03 from a clean install and I can't get install.php to start

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /var/www/data/xoops_v1_rc3_0_3/html/class/xoopslists.php on line 46

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /var/www/data/xoops_v1_rc3_0_3/html/class/xoopslists.php on line 53

Searched online but don't see anything - anyone have an idea?


Re: Error on Clean Install - Not a valid Directory resource
  • 2002/6/30 19:49

  • hardhead

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  • Posts: 1

  • Since: 2002/6/30

I had the same problem. I commented out line #44 $dirname = str_replace(".", "", $dirname); in xoopslists.php. It appears this line removes the "." from the relative path of ./install/language/ to the invalid path of /install/language/. I am not sure what the purpose of removing the period is this instance.

After that the install worked fine. But now I am having a problem where I only get blank pages when I try to load index.php.

This thread should be made sticky...
  • 2002/7/1 19:40

  • analogduck

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  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2002/6/5 7

This thread should be made sticky, and the fix should be rolled into a patch.

I was also having the same issue. The script assumes that you are installing XOOPS in the root directory of your server, which may be the common instance, but it is a damn big assumption.

Having that dot in the path is important. I have 4 portals (2 XOOPS and 2 PHP-Nukes) and 1 YaBBSE forum I run on my server, each in their own sub-directory tied to their own sub-domain names. If each one of those were to insist on being in the root directory for install or operation, life would not be fun for me.


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