This hack is exactly what I need. Unfortuantely I'm have trouble getting it to work. I'm using version Agenda-x 2.2
1. Added these in xoops_version.php
$modversion['notification']['category'][1]['name'] = 'agenda';
$modversion['notification']['category'][1]['title'] = "cat_title";
$modversion['notification']['category'][1]['description'] = "cat_desc";
$modversion['notification']['category'][1]['subscribe_from'] = array('index.php');
$modversion['notification']['event'][1]['name'] = 'add_event';
$modversion['notification']['event'][1]['category'] = 'global';
$modversion['notification']['event'][1]['title'] = "event_title";
$modversion['notification']['event'][1]['caption'] = "event_caption";
$modversion['notification']['event'][1]['description'] = "event_desc";
$modversion['notification']['event'][1]['mail_template'] = 'global_newcategory_notify';
$modversion['notification']['event'][1]['mail_subject'] = "event_mailsub";
I cut and pasted the above code exactly.
2. Copied notification_update.php from newsbb to module/agendax directory. Also copy
modules/news/language/english/mail_template/global_newcategory_notify.tpl to
I copied notification_update.php exactly as described.
I copied global_newcategory_notify.tpl as described by copying the entire folder mail_template from modules/news/language/english/ to modules/agendax/language/english/
3. Add the line <{include file='db:system_notification_select.html'}> in modules/agendax/templates/agendax_flatview.html
I added the line in the file and in the corresponding template through the XOOPS template manager. I added it at the bottom. However nothing changes when viewing the Calendar in flat view.
I even added the word "test" next to it as a test. In flat view I could see "test" but still no notification form.
Was there something else I need to modify to get the template to include it?
4. Added lines below in modules/agendax/index.php in (case"addevent")
$notification_handler =& xoops_gethandler('notification');
$notification_handler->triggerEvent('agenda', 0, 'add_event', $tags);
I was unsure exactly where to add the above code. So I addedit right after line 488, like this
case "addevent":
$notification_handler =& xoops_gethandler('notification');
$notification_handler->triggerEvent('agenda', 0, 'add_event', $tags);
After making the above mods I still have no notification options in my agenda-x module. Any idea what I have missed?