You would either have to hack into the header.php to assign a value to $xoopsshowlblock, which you can then use in your theme - or have the theme find out if there are elements in the $xoopslblocks array.
if (isset($xoopslblocks) && (count($xoopslblocks)>0) {
<{assign var="xoopsshowlblock" value="1"}>
else {
<{assign var="xoopsshowlblock" value="0"}>
I have not tested the snippet above and the best thing would be to
a) have a count elements in array function in Smarty, so we don't have to use <{php}>
b) assigning the variable from within the <{php}> so we don't have to have multiple <{php}> tags
It should be possible to do b) but I cannot remember how.