Hello All
I've just recently installed the latest version of XOOPS - have to say it is a fabulous CMS and I *love* the soapbox module
I want to run a forum on my site and so far have been running a 'discussion group' on Yahoo (am I allowed to say that word here?
I despise several things about Yahoo - the subliminal advertising, the fact that spammers can post adverts for child porn and penis enlargements (don't need me one of those
) and that to retrieve messages on the web means ploughing through unwanted advertisments, *but* Yahoo does have some *excellent* features, which I would love you to consider creating for your XOOPS forums............
- the opportunity to receive messages, in plain text, in a daily digest delivered to my personal email inbox.
- the opportunity to reply to posts from my outbox directly to the forum (ie, I do not need to visit the 'forum' to post messages, I can work offline throughout the day and send them all later to a (my web address)@xoopsforums.com for example.)