Need bids to implement a Help Desk module.
  • 2004/2/17 11:04

  • chuaman

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 1

  • Since: 2004/2/17

We have posted a project on Elance to implement a Help Desk module.
I believe there might be interested people wanting to bid on this job. Please check it out at http://www.elance.com/c/rfp/main/jobInfo.pl?jobId=9270432&catId=10224

Here's the project posted on elance
Help Desk System - web based, email enabled, trouble ticket system.

This is an open source project.

We are a small computer consulting organization, with four computer consultants – our company name is JTC. We service small to medium sized businesses in a very professional manner. We bring enterprise consulting practices to small to medium sized businesses. In addition, we have very extensive experience in several different industries, from several different perspectives (small business to Global 100 IT experience). We are growing rapidly. We started 3 years ago with 2 clients, currently we have approximately 65 clients; 30 of which we do ongoing system maintenance. We focus on infrastructure; however, where we have the appropriate skill set we will support applications. We get all our business through referrals.

Essentially we function as an outsourced IT department for our clients.

Our website is not live, we are currently developing it. Our website will not be a marketing tool but rather a support tool for us and our clients. This website will be essential to our continued success, growth and profitability as a consulting entity.

Our website will have one webpage, which will be an overview of our company. On this webpage there will be a login button – when you click this button you will get a user name and password logon window.

After you have successfully logged into our website you will have access to two applications; a Content Management System (CMS) and a Help Desk application. The CMS has been developed. This RFP is for the Help Desk application.

For example, if one of our clients is called XYZ Company and John Doe is the general manager of this company, when John Doe logs on to our website with his user name and password he will have access to the CMS and Help Desk applications. The CMS will give him access to system documentation for XYZ Company and the Help Desk application will give him access to the trouble tickets for his company.

We want an open source Help Desk System that will integrate with our existing web based CMS. This project consists of finding an open source Help Desk System and integrating it with our CMS.

Our web based CMS houses our client’s IT documentation. The webserver that is running the CMS is using Fedora Core 1 (red hat linux). Our CMS is based on an open source project called XOOPS version 2.0.6 (https://xoops.org). XOOPS is developed in php and it uses a MySQL 3.23.58 database which contains the contents of the CMS.

Xoops currently has user name and password login authentication, which then gives the authenticated user access to their documentation and only their documentation. Once the user is logged in, the user will have access to the documentation module (wf_sections module for xoops). We are looking to add a Help Desk module for our website once the user logs in.

Approximate start date of the project after selecting a bid
Immediate (within 1-2 days)

Approximate budget allocated to the project
Not Sure

Questions posted by the buyer
Have you done other Trouble Ticket systems?
How soon can you start?
How much time can you devote to this project?

Attached file: Help_Desk_System_-_attachment.doc
The Help Desk system will be a web based, email enabled, trouble ticket system.

For example, a user opens a new trouble ticket by logging onto the website and opening a ticket. The user will select the type of problem and priority/severity of the problem and enter details of the problem. Once submitted, the trouble ticket is recorded in a database and the Help Desk system sends an email to JTC technicians. JTC techs will reply to the email updating the status of the problem in the database. The reply will go to the database and to the client, it may also go to other JTC techs. As replies from both clients and JTC techs are sent, the Help Desk system will receive these replies and record them to the Help Desk database. When viewing a trouble ticket, the ‘thread’ of email correspondence will be seen, similar to a newsgroup thread. There will 4 status types for a trouble ticket: Pending, Open, In Progress and Closed.

Our clients will see only their own trouble tickets. JTC staff will have access to all JTC client’s and their trouble tickets.

We would like the ability to search on the type of problem, priority/severity and word search within the details of the problem.

We would also like to view trouble tickets for a particular client in different manners; by thread, by date, by sender, by recipient, etc.

Finally, we would like to use the login authentication system from Xoops, so that we will have a ‘single signon’


Re: Need bids to implement a Help Desk module.

Sounds like a very interesting project.

We could really do with a good helpdesk module for XOOPS - which would be the direction, I would go in if I should do the project.

There are some helpdesk systems out there and converting them to XOOPS modules should definitely be possible.

I don't currently have the resources to do a full-scale project like this, but if you have found a helpdesk system/script and just want it converted to a XOOPS module, I'd be happy to do that for you.

If this seems interesting to you, hit me back via PM or via the email found on http://www.webudvikling.dk?language=english so I can estimate the project size and give you a fair price.

Re: Need bids to implement a Help Desk module.
  • 2004/3/1 21:43

  • jmass

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 524

  • Since: 2003/12/18

I am currently working on just such a system. I am a Technical Consultant for a company *VERY* much like yours. Our needs are exactly what you have described.

I am planning on GPL license for my module. If you would like to discuss this further please e-mail me at jmassey@obscorp.com

Jason Massey
Out of the Box Solutions, Inc.

Re: Need bids to implement a Help Desk module.
  • 2004/3/1 22:30

  • wjue

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 315

  • Since: 2002/8/3 7

zenTrackXoops is a XOOPS variant of zenTrack Help Desk application :


If you prefer the current zenTrack version to be modulized my partner company China-Offshore can offer a custumized solution.

Contact me if interested.



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