Help pls - Top Page intro - use block/cjay/xoopsdoc/wfsection?
  • 2003/10/27 5:33

  • Chainsaw

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 304

  • Since: 2003/9/28

Hello all,

I am working on a new site using Xoops. So far so good, I love the way the modules install without any problem at all.

What I need to solve is how do you all put a static intro at your top page?

Have tried trawling through the forums and modules for the past two days. I've tried freecontent, cjay, wfsection. The closest match is wfsection because it allows you to create a clean page (no header/footer/credits) in Xoops. The only problem is I cannot use wfsection as the start module in Top Page (it is not available at this moment).

So the next best thing I can think of is to code the start page in a HTML Block (but that means only I and those with webmaster rights can go into configuration and change it).

What I am trying to achieve is this

At Home/Top Page
Top Block = Banner
Left Block = Menus
Middle Center Block = "Welcome to my site blah blah blah and some images etc"
Right Block = Recent News

Is there a better way to do the middle center block without using a HTML block?

This is what I want for the home page

Another thing that is stumping me... I can see some XOOPS site using a module called XOOPSDOC but for the life of me I can't find where I can download it to test.

Re: Help pls - Top Page intro - use block/cjay/xoopsdoc/wfsection?
  • 2003/10/27 8:07

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

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Chainsaw wrote:
So the next best thing I can think of is to code the start page in a HTML Block (but that means only I and those with webmaster rights can go into configuration and change it).

What I am trying to achieve is this

At Home/Top Page
Top Block = Banner
Left Block = Menus
Middle Center Block = "Welcome to my site blah blah blah and some images etc"
Right Block = Recent News

I personally think that creating a new center/center block with your HTML content is the best option. You can then make the front page exactly the way you like it. But I gather from your post that you don't want to give the editors of the site access to the blocks admin. That would mean you have to use a module that creates just that startpage block, so you can give your editors access to that module only. I think you need to look at if it is really such a problem if they cannot edit the content of that particular block, or if it is a problem that they can access the blocks admin.

It may not be much help, but there is a module in the making called wf-channels (it should be nearly finished), that is especially designed for creating static content pages. Perhaps this module can do the trick.


Re: Help pls - Top Page intro - use block/cjay/xoopsdoc/wfsection?
  • 2003/10/27 8:54

  • Chainsaw

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 304

  • Since: 2003/9/28

Thanks for the info. I was thinking the same.

I just wish wf-section can do it right now.... wonder if I have enuf gumption to try and hack it....


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