Its the other way round I think. The "Top" page in blocks is the module your site defaults to load on startup i.e. "News"
If you go to preferences and choose "None" as your start module, all your Top page blocks will appear on load. News will only appear when you click on the News Link, and you can select which blocks appear with "News"
If choosing no module at start up you of course can have blocks showing links to news articles i.e. Recent News, Top News etc. Html blocks set up say as centre blocks allows you to do anything you wish, and have links to news articles or news topics if you desire.
But if you choose "News" as you startup, you get "News" and whatever blocks you have setup to appear with News
Also, in a block admin if you click on "Edit" to the right of the block--then check if the block is set to apppear on "all pages". Deselect this if you don't want the block to appear on all pages. Using Shift or Ctrl on your keyboard allows you to be selective by highlighting the blocks you want to appear in each module. (you may know this already)