SmartFAQ is developed by The SmartFactory (, a division of InBox Solutions (

How do I make a smarty-template for user-avatars?
Easy! Open file xoopsroot/header.php in an editor and look for this code (2 occurences):
'xoops_isadmin' => $xoopsUserIsAdmin
Paste directly after this code (for both occurences):
'xoops_avatar' => $xoopsUser->getVar('user_avatar')
The user-avatar would be called like this in a template or in one of the theme-files:
<img src="<{$xoops_upload_url}>/<{$xoops_avatar}>" />

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 Doesn' work with 2.2.3!!

Please! i need this hack corrected, so I can use it in XOOPS 2.2.3!!!


 Adding Smarty Template for Avatars -- Doesn't work in 2.3

Can this please be updated for 2.3? For someone like me who is unfamiliar with Smarty and PHP, this would be very much appreciated!



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Did you know ?

The basic structure of a XOOPS theme is similar to that of any other static website template. The primary difference is the addition of Smarty variables that interact with XOOPS to output your dynamic content.

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