XOOPS: Emergency in the past two days

Posted by: XoopsCouncilOn 2007/10/9 7:47:42 15438 reads

Emergency in the past two days

On October 6th, the xoops.org server was hijacked and all http://www.xoops.org administrator accounts permissions were removed and an account "JMorris" was presented as the only administrator account. The XOOPS Project Council also noticed other management permission changes.

The Council restored webmaster account permissions immediately and sent an official email to the email address associated with "JMorris". Message replied from the "JMorris" account's email confirmed that the permission changes were made by him. Soon after email exchanges, the permissions on http://www.xoops.org were changed again and xoops.org server root account password was changed as well.

The XOOPS Foundation, who is holding XOOPS Project's servers, was contacted several times from the very beginning since October 6th. Meanwhile, the XOOPS Project Council halted all its actions on http://www.xoops.org to wait for XOOPS Foundation's response.

By October 8th Herko, the current Foundation Chairman contacted phppp, saying that "JMorris" had given back http://www.xoops.org administrator accounts.

The XOOPS Project Council appreciates the Foundation's assistance with this issue. Meanwhile, the Project Council looks forward to valid thorough solutions from the Foundation to protect XOOPS Project's servers.

The XOOPS Project Council
October 9th, 2007