Themes: Release 1.1.0 of Mor.pho.GEN.e.sis

Posted by: kris_frOn 2007/1/7 13:20:02 17307 reads

Release 1.10 of Mor.pho.GEN.e.sis

For several months I have carried out themes starting from the Morphogenesis template theme, and there I could result in corrective measures and some improvements.
After many tests under navigators IE 6 and 7, FireFox 2 (and old), Opera, Maxthon, Safari, and final validation with respect to standards W3 C : valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS 1.0/2.0 compliant, which I wanted without any warning (a minor correction of the file banners.php of the module "system" was necessary).
I propose my version 1.1.0 to you (in download HERE), of this template theme which must be the reference for the design of the new topics for our CMS, as indicated in a preceding article.

My work of correction was to set out again of Zetareticuli, Default (Xoops 2.3) and Morphogenesis themes.
In this new version of the template theme, you will find new files and files. For the files, we have one now Connexion Box and User Menu (userbar.html), a Horizontal Menu in the header (globalnav.html) with a posting according to the groups of visitors. I preserved the possibility a height different from the header according to posting from a banner or not.
We now have the transparency under IE of the images to format png on the totality of the pages of the site.

Exemple with News Module

Exemple with CBB/NewBB Module

Main Menu and User Menu Blocks

Redirection Page and Errors Messages

User Profile Page

For recall, I specify that this template theme is only one skeleton, and although it is functional, it is not especially conceived for a setting in production, its design being relatively basic.
On the other hand it offers enormous possibilities of personalization, an example is the realization of the theme of XoopsDemoKris and its horizontal menu CSS taking the "a. active" or "Hot Xoops" and "Bellissima" themes.

The directory "jseffects" is used to deposit various scripts that a designer or developper of module can use. Indeed, I noticed that we had modules more and more and themes which used Ajax Javascript for example, which became redundant and could either slow down the posting of the site, or this limited only to the only module or topic, whereas we could use it for others.
For example the hook for exgallery uses LightBox script (to be inserted in the directory "include" of the core) and rmsoft MyFolder (portfolio) modules it which has to him this same script in its own files.
This script can be very easily usable on the totality of the modules by carrying out very light modifications of files php, or quite simply of templates (utility of the overload of the topics) and some lines of call in the part "head" of the theme.
Not wishing that these scripts are in a repertory of the core, the use of the file jseffects proved to be necessary for the files .js, .css and the images of the latter at a single place.

I thus carried out experimental versions as example of the Morphogenesis template theme 1.10 with scripts LightBox and ThickBox.
You will say to me: "but why not with these two scripts?", for the excellent reason that principal scripts Prototype (for Lightbox) and JQuery (for thickBox) are incompatible between them. For information, I also raised a small incompatibility between JQuery/ThickBox and our dear Xoops.js, but I know that our community will put itself at work to solve this problem, within sight of the richness that this last script could bring to our sites (the tunnel page of XoopsTestKris uses ThickBox)

ThickBox for image in personal Block

ThickBox in RmSoft MyFolder module

Nota : the visual effects ThickBox or LightBox are nearly identical for a image
  • MorPhoGENeSis 1.1.0 is downloadable HERE
  • MorPhoGENeSis 1.1 Experimentation “LightBox” is downloadable HERE
  • MorPhoGENeSis 1.1 Experimentation “ThickBox” downloadable - is reserved HERE only for test and debuggage!
  • Theme in action at this address

The files are to be decompressed and to install directly with the root of your site, it should be known that scripts will pose problems for the validation with respect to standards W3 C.
For the use of scripts LightBox or ThickBox in Xoops and its modules, two new subjects are open on the forum Xoops France, and for the Morphogenesis template theme in which we will be able to put our questions and answers, like our achievements:

During January/February 2007, I will publish a new article on this template theme with suitable documentation like some tutoriels in french video flash.

Theme in action at this address

And maintaining with you to work and to show us your ingeniousness, if you wish that I deposit in remote loading some of my theme.
Thanks to Snow77, Skalpa and Leostotch for the initial work.