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How do I install a module?
Installing Modules Core Modules Core modules are modules that come with the initial installer package of Xoops. They are very easy to install. 1) Go to your Administration Menu. 2) Go to System Admin -> Modules. You will be brought to the Modules Administration Page. 3) Go to the bottom of the page. You will see a table of modules that are not yet installed. 4) Choose the module you want to install and click on the Install icon in the Action column. 5) A confirmation page is displayed. Click on the Install button. Extra Modules Extra, or non-core, modules are usually downloadable as compressed files (zip, tar). Always check if a text file with upload instructions is included in the downloaded package. 1) Unzip files in local computer. 2) FTP/upload all files to appropriate folders in your website directory. This is usually the /modules folder under the Xoops root directory, where all the other modules are found. However, some modules have extra files that need to be uploaded to other folders such as the /include and the /class folders. 3) After upload, go to your Modules Administration Page and check if the new module is included in the uninstalled modules table. 4) Follow the steps described above for installing core modules from the Modules Administration page. Notes. 1) Always check for instructions on where to upload modules files in the downloaded package. Some of them contain text files with instructions. 2) Once the downloaded package is unzipped, study the structure of the files in the local computer. Some modules are ready for uploading to the root directory instead of just the /modules folder. If problems are encountered see this faq on 'module not found' messages --- Additional details submitted by Jdseymour on 13-Jan-2005 03:31 I would like to add to this excellent answer of how to install a module. In the following is a flash tutorial that shows you the basic steps of module install. See Module Install Tutorial

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 Good answer but ..

In my release 2.0.16 that I just installed there are no other core modules besides the one 'system' module. I was confused for a bit until i found a post that mentioned not all releases come bundled with core modules.



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