SmartFAQ is developed by The SmartFactory (, a division of InBox Solutions (

What is a module?
A module for XOOPS is similar to a program on your desktop PC.

Generally, a module provides a number of pages, adding functionality to the site such as announcements/news as in the News module or a bullettin board as in the Newbb module.

Most modules also provide blocks for showing the latest added or most popular content that can be placed on the pages of any module, providing fast access to other areas of the site from within a module's pages.

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.


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Did you know ?

that you can open your closed site in the database when you canĀ“t login anymore?

Random question

Can I use any HTML on an HTML permitted item or is there a subset of HTML instructions? Perhaps there is a subset on this site somewhere?