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How do I install a theme?
Unzip your downloaded theme. Upload it to the directory:
Go to your admin/system admin/preferences, now click 'general settings'.
Here you can set the setting of your:(8th row) Default theme: your theme of choice.

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 I wish it were that easy!

Nice simple procedure, unfortunately it didn't work that easily for me.

To get a different theme, I changed the Default theme as mentioned, but that alone didn't work.

I had to also, (a) change the Selectable Themes (b) in Blocks, enable Themes so that users can select their own theme (c) select my theme from my user account (d) go back to Blocks and turn Themes off again.

Am I missing something?

Colin Davis


 Re: I wish it were that easy!

See the Theme Deployment Flash Tutorial section on my site. It shows visually how to do it.


 Re: I wish it were that easy!

I think after changing the theme here:
:(8th row) Default theme: your theme of choice.

You will have to 'update themes and templates' that option is on the same page.


 Re: I wish it were that easy!

Is your site (with the famous flash tutorial of how to install a theme) permanently down?


 Re: I wish it were that easy!

No I have tech support working on the problem. Have had problems yesterday and today. Usually very good service where I am hosted. It should be up sometime today, took over 15 hours yesterday though, so I will see when I get home from work.


 Re: I wish it were that easy!

Thx for the very fast reply. Anyway, it IS very simple - so the flash is really not necessary here.

BUT.. I downloaded a theme where the logo fills out the entire top (jamilaCS_7).

What do I do if I wish to have paid banners on the site. The theme doesn't have any banners. Does that mean I have to not use that theme?


 Re: I wish it were that easy!

Do you have to have FTP knowledge? I've always done my website changes through my File Manager in my CPanel


 Above XOOPS Instructions worked perfectly

I'm a newbie and the above XOOPS instructions worked perfectly. I had my new theme installed in minutes! Not hard at all.


 help please with uploading themes

I picked out a theme that I liked, downloaded it, unziped it and opened its folders, but I only see multiple folders. Mostly images and about 3 of the folders are labled themes. Which folder do I upload? Do I upload the folders to the host directory or is there a director in the XOOPS admin.


 Re: help please with uploading themes



 Re: help please with uploading themes

ok I found a sit called XOOPS for dummies and i am that close to understanding but heres where im' stuck at now: ,what does this mean exactly I substitutued the "yoursite" with my site address and searched it but the browser says site not found. I guess Im' a dummie because I can't understand something so simple. here's the site for XOOPS for dummies.
search the themes category


 Re: help please with uploading themes

ok I found a sit called XOOPS for dummies and i am that close to understanding but heres where im' stuck at now: ,what does this mean exactly I substitutued the "yoursite" with my site address and searched it but the browser says site not found. I guess Im' a dummie because I can't understand something so simple. here's the site for XOOPS for dummies.
search the themes category


 Re: help please with uploading themes

You must ftp the theme files into the directory 'themes' of your site.
So when you have a theme called 'vgreen' ftp the directory 'vgreen' into the directory 'themes' of your site. the files should be the directory structure then.
You can't browse the directory because there is an index file preventing this.
You could look with ftp for the directory structure.



Ok, all i see is text.



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