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How can I clean up the Blocks Administration page to show only online blocks by default?
The default behaviour of the Blocks Administration page (Admin => System => Blocks) is that it shows you a list of all the blocks on your site - both online and offline.

This can be very annoying as the list can take a long time to load if you have a lot of blocks. Also, the 'offline' blocks tend to be the ones that you aren't using. Fortunately, it is easy to change the default view so that it only shows the online blocks by default. Here's how:

1. Open the file:

2. Find the following code:

function list_blocks()
$selmod = isset($_GET['selmod']) ? intval($_GET['selmod']) : 0;
$selvis = isset($_GET['selvis']) ? intval($_GET['selvis']) : [b][color=FF0000]2[/color][/b];
$selgrp = isset($_GET['selgrp']) ? intval($_GET['selgrp']) : XOOPS_GROUP_USERS;

3. Change the value '2' (highlighted in red above) to a '1'.

4. Save the file. Done!

Of course, if you want to see the offline blocks, you can still do this in Blocks Admin. This hack only affects the default view.

Credit: Solution posted in forum by MIGOE.

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