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Hi there, I'm a biginer of XOOPS. I've just installed Apache1.33, Php4.4, and MySQL4.1.14 on my PC running WindowsXP(SP2). I can see the localhost or in the browser (IE). And I can see the localhost/index.php indicating index of/ module/news. Then, I can log in mysql with root and password, and I also checked mysqld alive. But I don't know why I can't see XOOPS. Is anything wrong? I may have a problem on mySQL. Anybody knows how to configure mySQL with other way, please help. And about mySQL, I have another question. I can't see any icon of mySQL in systemtray. And I'm sure winmysql is running, but it dosen't give me any window. When I click it at mysql>bin, command pronpt pop itself up and then gone automatically. Is this proper way?
Sorry, my message is long, but I really need your help.
Thank you in advance.
What happens if you use the url Did the install not start?