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How do I change the image across the top of my web site? (default xoops logo for my own logo?) Will it appear in all themes or do i need to do something to individual themes to make it consistent?
1- open the relavant theme.html file.
2- Check and note the name used to display the logo (usually logo.jpg)
3- If a size attribute is included, change these to match your new logo.
4- Rename you new logo to the same name in theme.html
5- Upload logo to your server, overwriting the original logo
6- Go to system admin>preferences>general settings>edit>
7- Make sure theme.html is set to update templates.
8- Click Go.
9- You may need to delete all templates_c content and clear your browser cache to see the changes.

10- in stage 2 above You can or of course change 'logo' to any name you want in theme.html file.

11- What you have done above, will only affect one theme. If you want all your site themes to have the same logo. you will need to repeat this procedure on all theme.html files used and displayed on your site.

12- Note; if templates have already been generated for other themes, you need to make all these themes update as well.

13- In all cases turn your theme update option OFF in admin after new templates have been created and new logo is displayed.

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.

 re no.13

what if i leave the option "on"? are there any security considerations?


 Re: re no.13

No, leaving the option on will generate extra queries making your site slower.



 Center logo

I have replaced the top logo with one big logo. How do I center the logo or make it cover the hole width?


 Re: Center logo

Open your theme.html file and find the following piece of code:

<table cellspacing="0">
tr id="header">
td id="headerlogo"><a href=""><img src="" width="1000" height="160" alt="" />a>td>
td id="headerbanner">&nbsp;td>
td id="headerbar" colspan="2">&nbsp;td>

Replace this with following:
<table cellspacing="0">
tr id="header">
td id="headerlogo"><div align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="1000" height="160" alt="" />a>div>td>
td id="headerbar" colspan="2">&nbsp;td>

Upload theme.html to your server and update the System module.


 Re: Center logo

Thanks McDonald, worked just fine


 How to change system module header?

I am searching how add some code into system module header. Any help plz?


 Re: How to change system module header?

I found the answer myself. In case anyone need to know, it is within the xoops_root_folder/include/cp_function.php



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Is there an easy way to stop XOOPS from inserting the target="_blank" in custom block?