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How Do I Handle Module Zip Files? and Which Files Do I Upload to the Server?
When you unzip a module on your local computer, most of the time an extra folder is created. If you upload that folder to the modules directory you would get a "Module Files Not Found" error. Also sometimes developers add extra directories to the module before zipping the file.

In this short flash Tutorial an example module is unzipped and the proper folder is selected for upload to the server.

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 Which files to upload ... flash tutorial.

Very nice tutorial JD. It's the simple things we overlook and they can cause so much trouble to new users.

I would recommend any user who is unfamiliar with XOOPS to view this excellent tutorial on how to download and prepare modules for transfering to their site via ftp. This should remove any doubt about which files to upload.

Thanks for your input, John.



I am new to XOOPS at the moment and i have a hosting that has a server side unzip functionality.

The problem with modules is that the zip file doesn´t have always the same structure and i had unzip a file to the root directory placing my XOOPS out of order.

On Mambo is possible to point to a filename on local pc and make the upload of the module.
I have not seen this feature on xoops.


Paulo Santos


 Re: unzip

Yes that is why it is important to make sure that you are at the one module containing folder before upload. For lots of reasons extra folders get created and if used cause a Module not Found error.

I am not familiar with that feature with Mambo. Though I did use that CMS for a short period.


 Re: unzip

If you're extracting an archive directly on the server, the safe approach is to extract into a temporary directory, and then move the extract directory(ies) to the appropriate place. Moving a directory is usually possible with an FTP client's rename function.



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