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How to CHMOD to 0444 ?
Sometime the setting 444 cannot be done via FTP, in which case use your host's control panel or file manager to set the permissions level.) In cpanal this can be done by selecting 'File manager' Alternatively, you can use a small .php file to change the permissions of a file or a folder. Create a file with the following script and name it with a .php extension.
Replace 'mainfile.php' with whatever file/folder you require. Upload the file (ie: changeperm.php) to the directory that holds your file or folder that requires chmod change. In the case of mainfile.php, this is of course, in the root of your xoops installation. Now call the file from your browser. You will probably have a blank page, but go back and check the chmod setting. It should now agree with 0444 or whatever permission you entered.

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This came in handy for someone I'm helping out who uses



 Re: PowWeb

yup, me too sunsnapper!
Powweb doesn't allow CHMODing to 444, but that script did it alright.


 RE: How to CHMOD to 0444?

Is there a way to do it with all files in a folder..instead of typing in every singel file manually in the script? ( *.php didn't work)


 RE: How to CHMOD to 0444?

With Smartftp you can select several files at once and change them or you can even select folders and choose to have all subfolders and files within them to be changed.


 RE: How to CHMOD to 0444?

yupp I know, but my *stupid* provider has deactivated permission editing, so until he answer my complaints and do something with it I have to do it manually like this *sigh*.
But thanks for tip anyway



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