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How do I install Xoops on IIS ?
You will find here two excellent articles about this :
- First article
- Second article

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 Broken links have now been fixed

So I have removed comments refering to them. Cheers


 Re: Broken links have now been fixed

Thanks Jenclas! The work you are doing with the docs and the FAQs is excellent and it has come a long ways in a short time.




 Re: Broken links have now been fixed

Finally somebody fixed the links and cleared out the garbage.

Good work anonymous XOOPS slave. :)


 Article links are not working


Article links are not working.



 Re: Article links are not working

(Old Article and no images)

Author : jctsup1
Article ID : 56
Audience : Default
Version 2.01.01
Published Date: 11/19/2002 20:58:23
Reads :

XOOPS is a dynamic OO (Object Oriented) based open source portal script written in PHP with a MySQL backend database and is what is used here on IIS Tips, Tricks & Resources.

I spent a lot of time looking at different Content Management Systems / Portals - I looked at big $ packages such as Microsoft's Content Management System, Interwoven's Team Site, all the way down to Open Source CMS's such as PostNuke, phpCMS, Typo3, etc. I found XOOPS to be the only one that meet my needs & worked exactly as advertised.

This setup has been tested on IIS 4, 5, & 5.1 and works flawlessly provided that you follow the instructions laid out in this article. This article also assume that you know how to create and setup a web site via the Internet Services Manager.

Acquiring the necessary files
Other than IIS, you will need 3 software packages to run XOOPS on IIS.
# Xoops
# PHP 4.x
# Optional: MySQL-Front - A front end GUI to manage your MySQL Server

Configuring PHP and MySQL
Before you begin to install Xoops, you will need to configure PHP & MySQL. Please see the following articles:
# Configuring MySQL
# Installing and configuring PHP to work with IIS

Miscellaneous Info:
# In order to run XOOPS successfully on the Windows platform, you will need to enable the register_globals parameter on PHP. I have been lead to believe that XOOPS RC4 will not require register_globals -- until it is released, you will need to activate this feature on PHP.
# XOOPS states on their web site that they do not support PHP 4.2.3 but I have been running my system with 4.2.3 since the day it was released with no problems. I have spoken with the development team & they stated to me that there are issues with PHP 4.2.3 on the Linux platform.

Setting up the XOOPS database on MySQL
There are a couple of ways to approach setting up your database. If you are using a web hosting service, they will provide you with a user name/password and database name to use during installation. You can also setup the user name/ password & database via command line. Please see the MySQL documentation if you choose to setup your database this way. You can also use the admin username and password to create the database however this is not recommended.

## Article 2 ##

Setting up your database using MySQL-Front

1. Open MySQL-Front & Connect to your MySQL Server as shown below in Figure 1 utilizing the admin user id & password that you used during initial configuration of MySQL.

(Figure 1)

2. Click the Create Database icon (Figure 2)

(Figure 2)

3. Type in the name of the database you will be using (in this example xoops) and click OK. You have created your XOOPS database.

(Figure 3)

4. Now you need to create the User ID / Password as well as set access to the database. Click on the User-Manager Icon as seen below in Figure 4.

(Figure 4)

5. You will see the Add User interface as seen below in Figure 5. Type in the desired Username, Ip address of remote MySQL server or localhost if it is installed on the local machine, & password. BEFORE you click the Add User button, click on the database the you created in Step 3.

(Figure 5)

6. If you see this

you are done setting up your database.

Part 2 - Installing XOOPS on IIS of this article walks you step by step on the actual installation of XOOPS onto your IIS Web Sever.

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