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Why doesn't anyone answer my post?
You need to look at how you asked for help.
Subject statements like:
Help me please
It doesn't work
I'm confused

Simply won't get interest from those who may be available to help you. It means everyone has to click on your post to see what it is about before than can determine if they can help you.

Make your sunject line very specific:

My site is a mess - could invite someone with skills in themes to help you out, or someone who will guide you through blocks set up. Even better would be to state
I need some help with layout.

Module xxx isn't working - will attract the attention of both users of that module and even the module author.

I don't understand xxx will also get specific attention....

In all cases you need a key word for xxx

Then you must explain your problem as carefully as you can..use KISS - Keep it simple silly... but ensure the reader has enough information to be able to answer you.

Oh...and indicating what your level of expertise is also helps so that the answer can come in language you understand: eg - I don't know php...I have poor english skills, this is my first website etc...

There is no such thing as a dumb question - but if you want an answer you can understand you need to let the reader know.


The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.


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