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What is the Archive menu item in the Main Menu?
If your in the News module, you can see the Archive menu item in the Main Menu. menu If you click on this item, something like this table will be displayed : list The months that are displayed are the months for which at least one article has been published. Clicking on a month will displays the articles of the selected month at the end of the month list. You will then be able to select an article and read it or post comments, etc...

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.


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Can someone point me to the direction of how to make a page like the initial homepage on

I am making a site where I want a static block on the top of every page and the initial home page should be the last couple news items.

I haven't quite gotten the knack for how this all works so a tutorial on how to add basic content would be great! I have the news module as well as smartsecion and neither of them are real obvious how to do this.

I want a nice clean home page like is here on this site.