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Ive modified my theme, but why cant I see the changes?
The chances are that all your modifications are there but the reason for not seeing them is because your browser is still seeing the old version. After making changes to a theme, you should always carry out the following:

1- be sure that you set "Update module template .html files from themes/your theme/templates directory?" to "YES" in General Settings!
2- Delete all the files (except any index file) in the templates_c folder in the root of your site.
3- Configure your browser to always look for a new version of a website, or
4- Delete all your browsers cached files.
5- Refresh your browser and visit your pages again.

This nearly always remedies the problem. If your changes are still not visible, then it's time to re-check your work.

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.

 Re: *sigh*

Fixed it. For some reason, the theme includes weren't dynamic, they were pointing to an old if I can figure out why everything in IE is centered instead of Left align like in Firefox

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