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How do I post a message in the forum?
First, you will need to be a registered user for the site and logged in. Then, you have to visit the forum page. You can access this page by clicking on the Forum link in the Main Menu block, as you can see on the image below : menu Forum Menu Item After clicking on Forum, you will find yourself on the Site Forum Index. This page holds all the different forums of the site. To post a new topic in a forum, you need to choose a single forum that you think is most appropriate for your post. Forums are like different rooms where people talk about a specific subject. For example, let's say you want to discuss the critic of the new drama movie that you just seen, you will need to enter the room where people talk about drama movies. If we translate this example in "forum" terms, you need to enter in the Drama Movies forum. index Forum Index To do so, just click on Drama Movies. This is represented in the previous image by the red rectangle. You are now on the Drama Movies forum page. This page displays the different topics that have been posted so far. To create a new one, simply click on the New Topic button in the top right corner, like the image below: new topic Creating a new topic You are now presented with the new message form: form New Topic form Let's look a the principal fields of this form: Subject: This is the subject of your new topic. It should be short and represent clearly what you will write in the Message field. Message Icon: You can select a little picture that will identify your topic. For example, if you are posting a question, you could check the question mark icon. You are not required to check an image. Message: This is where you actually write what you have to say. At the end of the table, you can see 3 buttons : Preview, Submit, Cancel Post: Preview: Clicking on this button will show you how your message will be displayed. You can then edit it again after. The preview button does not actually post your message. Submit: This button saves your post in the database. A message will be displayed to thank you for your submission. Cancel Post: This cancels your message and takes you back to the forum page without saving or displaying anything.

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.

 Don't press Submit more than once!

There are some who don't seem to grasp this, but the reason you get double/multiple posts is from clicking Submit more than once.

If the site hangs up during post submission, go get a cup of coffee or something and don't click the Submit button more than one time. Just be patient and everything will work out in the end.


 Copy your post text before submitting

Xoops will time-out if you spend too long composing a message. But you won't discover this until you press the submit button. Unfortunately, if this happens you will loose your beautifully crafted post. As a safeguard, I select all the text and copy it before pressing submit. Then I can always paste it back into a new post if I've gone over time.



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You can solve problems for users who cannot post or login by disabling the HTTP referrer check (or by users allowing referrer information through the firewall).

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