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Can downloads contain viruses?
Any file that you introduce onto your computer can potentially contain a virus or a malicious script.

Viruses can be passed on unintentionally so, don't point a finger too quickly. Virus proliferation is now big business, so we all must be aware of new ideas and devious methods to spoil our internet experience. Having said that, virus scams and hoaxes are also rife, so nothing is completley trustworthy.

Best policy is to always run an up to date antivirus programm. Whenever you download a file or a compressed archive, scan it for viruses before decompressing it. Never run .exe files without knowing the source of the file. Likewise be more careful with MS word files containing macros, javascripts and active-x

Check your computer regularly with a full virus scan and back up your valuable documents on external storage where possible.

When downloading and viewing Xoops archives its a good idea to make sure you can view hidden system files. You may sometimes see a hidden system file that was generated on the distributors machine. It will be in images folders. The file is called 'thumbs.db' This is a system file that MS windows produces to enable thumbnails to be displayed. Its often the largest file in the directory and completely useless and harmless. Delete it, never upload it to your site as several of these can take up valuable web space.

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