UI Tabs 1.04 is a tab displaying framework/modules for XOOPS 2.5.x it allows for core tabs to be made with associated items filled in including image, summary and profile pages with a fulll description. Complete with blocks and index profile of the items, allows for customisation of tabs and items through smarty templates. UITabs 1.04 alllows for you to display tabs with items that are randomly selected as welll as recommended based on votes.

Watch this video to better understand UITabs 1.04:


System Requirements:

Other files by: wishcraft

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The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.

 Re: UI Tabs

The link is broken...


 Re: UI Tabs

Did you try the "Download Mirror"?


 Re: UI Tabs

Hi Mamba, I had not seen the link mirror!

Error in the administration:

Fatal errorCannot override final method Exception::__clone() in Z:wwwx255classmailphpmailerclass.phpmailer.php on line 2526

#    Time    Memory    Function    Location
1    0.0019    704536    {main}( )    ..index.php:0
2    0.0036    748528    
include( 'Z:wwwx255modulesuitabsadminheader.php' )    ..index.php:3
3    0.1896    6374472    
include_once( 'Z:wwwx255classxoopsmailer.php' )    ..header.php:20
4    0.1909    6406296    
include_once( 'Z:wwwx255classmailxoopsmultimailer.php' )    ..xoopsmailer.php:29
5    0.1926    7197232    
include_once( 'Z:wwwx255classmailphpmailerclass.phpmailer.php' )    ..xoopsmultimailer.php:37



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