What is nckarma Module ?
With this Xoops module, you can manager karma on your site.
u can retirve karma by purchasing , posts, upload files etc. and spend karma by download, public adv,
etc. each of register have full records of purchasing,managing,spending,trading.
The module can :
. Can custom your karma rule.
. Can present some karma to others
. Can purchase karma by bank
. Can manager gifs by service
. Can check trade record.
. Can dev your plugin of module which you want.
. Can support mutile languages . english,schinese,tchinese and more adding .
. Can support lots of modules. cbb(newbb),wf-downloads,article,catads,news,etc. and more adding.
. etc
How to install nckarma
nckarma is installed as a regular XOOPS module, which means you should copy the
complete /nckarma folder into the /modules directory of your website. Then log in
to your site as administrator, go to System Admin > Modules, look for the nckarma
icon in the list of uninstalled modules and click in the install icon. Follow
the directions in the screen and you'll be ready to go.
step 1:
Get the newlest Frameworks from xoops.org
https://xoops.org.cn/modules/wfdownloads/visit.php?cid=1&lid=599step 2:
install nckarma like as normal module
step 3:
add below lines to include/common.php in docoment finally.
Xoops supported versions
You can use this nckarma version on all the recent versions of Xoops 2.0.
We did not tested the module with Xoops 2.2 but it should run.
PHP/MYSQL supported versions
Mysql >= 3.23, 4.x, 5.x
Php 4 & 5
GD2 >= 2.0.1
You can get support on the community website of ncnynl :
http://www.ncnynl.com/xoops2016u/index.php (chinese site)
Or send a mail to :
ncnynl@gmail.comHow to upgrade
Copy all the files to your site (and be sure to erase the old files), then
go in the Xoops modules manager and upgrade the module.
In case of troubles, consult the file UPGRADE.txt present in the module.
Re: nckarma 1.00 release?2008-01-04 update?
Hi. Sound interesting for social networks, but what exactly do this module?