This module collects all latest reports from two or more modules,
and shows them in one block, and shows them in RSS and ATOM format.

1. What's New Report Block
This module collect the latest reports from two or more modules,
and show a the latest reports in block.

2.1 Output of RSS/ATOM
This module collect the latest reports from two or more modules,
and show it RSS and ATOM format.

2.2 Display of RSS/ATOM
This module read XML file form URL of RSS and ATOM,
and parse and display it.
This function corresponds to RSS/ATOM Automatic Discovery.

3. weblog update ping
3.1 Send of Ping
Three methods are supoorted.

(1) An administrator send ping manually.
(2) When display What's New Block, send ping.
(3) When you access special URL, send ping.

3.2 Receive of Ping
This is ping server of a debugging use.
When ping is received,
check the contents of a request and replay a response.

4. corresponding modules
standard module
- system (comment)
- mydownloads
- mylinks
- newbb
- news

my devloping modules
- weblinks 0.92
- xfsection 1.07

3rd party modules
- B-Wiki 20050101
- PopnupBlog 2.1
- myAlbum-P 2.84
- simpleblog 0.21
- tinyD 2.17
- weblog 1.42
- wordpress 0.5
- xoopsgallery 1.25J
- yybbs 0.57

There are many changes from v1.x

1. The internal structure was changed
(1) It rewrote in the class function from the general function.
(2) It maked one file for the class function called from a What's New block .
(3) It changed the storing method of a configration variables from php file to mysql table .
(4) Use XoopsToken, if exist this class

2. Function change
(1) The block of the BopCommnets style was added.
(2) The module name, the category name, the user name, and the number of hits were displayed.
And so almost of plugins were changed.
(3) A icons can be used for every module.
(4) The order of a display of a module can be changed.
(5) setup the maximum number of characters of title.
(6) enable to allow HTML tag in summary.
(7) corresponded to ATOM 1.0.
(8) 3194: output real user name

3. plugin
3.1 added plugins
(1) newbb 2.0.2
(2) mailbbs 2.2.1
(3) pukiwiki 0.08
(4) xwords 0.39
(5) eguide 1.72
(6) xhnewbb 1.13
(7) xnshop 0.86

3.2 changed plugins
(1) newbb
change title
(2) pical
added category name, permission check
bugfix: show twice of limit
(3) smartfaq
added category name, permission check
(4) wordpress
bugfix: dont restric the number of articles
(5) bluesbb
change: correspond to v1.00
(6) xoopsfaq
bugfix: q of link is required

4. multi language
(1) corresponded to XOOPS English edition
(2) change English language pack.
(3) french pack correspond to v2.01

5. bug fix
(1) Fatal error if a WhatsNew block and other modules are displayed simultaneously.
(2) HTML character like & raquo; are changed to & amp; raquo;
(3) the RSS is cached by a registration user's authority.
(4) need to sanitaize $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']
(5) notice occur in kernel/user.phll


System Requirements:

Other files by: ohwada

WebPhoto (2008/07/12)
RSS Center Module (2006/01/06)
WebLinks (2005/02/03)

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.

 Re: What's New

i needed this Module for xoops 2.5.6



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