Petitions on line multilanguages module developed to function with the hack Smartfactory Multilanguages. The forms can be accompanied by an image CAPTCHA to avoid the spams.

You can create petitions as many as wish it to you.

Each petition can have 3 statutes:
* Active (the petition can be signed if the date of starting is not higher than the current date)
* Offline (the petition is not visible and cannot be signed)
* Archived (the petition is visible and consultable but cannot be signed)

A help is present on each page of the admin to help you with the various possible options.

The module has a style sheet which you can modify according to your graphic charters.


System Requirements:

Other files by: christian

Startup (2008/02/25)
Frameworks (2008/01/27)
XoopsLifeType (2008/01/27)
xoopsVisit (2007/12/08)

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.


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