With this Xoops module, you can create an unlimited count of news on your site. You can create all the articles you want and attach them to topics.
With a very powerfull permissions management, you can create groups authorized to submit articles and a group authorized to approve them and decide who can see what.
This module is compatible with Php 5.

Short feature list:
- The module respects, everywhere, ALL the permissions.
- A new page "News by the same author"
- Two new links are availables for the article's page, "Previous article" and "Next article"
- You can also add a "Summary table"
- Possibility to rate news
- Authors can edit their posts
- New RSS feeds per topic
> The topics manager has been completly rewrited
> It's now possible to include topics as sub-menus of the main menu
> You can use the Spotlight in two blocs ("Top news" & "Recent Articles") You can even select between a classical view and a tabbed view
> You can set a description for each topic
> For each topic you can select if you want to see it on the front page or not.
> The topics titles are longer (255 characters)
> From the admin part of your site, you can remove (prune) news
> You can export news to the xml format
> When editing or creating a new article, Approvers and Administrators can modify and select the author
> According to a module's option, you can ask the approvers to enter the meta keywords and description for each article
> The block to navigate thru topics has a new option to show the number of news per topic.
> You can use a new block, "random news", all is in the title.
> You can use the module to create a newsletter's content.
> You can see (from the admin panel) some statistics about your topics, news and authors.
> You can assign a color to each topic
> Your visitors can now see your articles in pdf
> You can select the editor to use (dhtml area, spaw, fck editor, htmlarea, simple text area and kiovi)
> A new module's option enable you to highlight (in the articles) the words used in the Xoops search.
> You can use tooltips in your links and title. They contain the first (x) characters of your news.
> For your visitors who are using Mozilla, Firefox and Opera, you can create the content of the site navigation's bar

Changelog for 1.44
> For security reasons, I have removed the Xoops version from the printed version of an article
> I have corrected an error in the block called "Navigate thru topics", the number of news was false, it was counting expired articles (thank you Solo71)
> I have modified the backend.php script so that it uses every news (not only those who are described to be only visible on the homepage)
> The four tables visibles in the module's admin and containing news will now use a pagenav
> I have removed all the htmlentities for multibytes languages
> The number of sql queries of the "top news" and "recent news" blocks was reduced
> There was a minor problem in the pdf generated from a news with its topic's title
> There was a bug when you was editing a news from the admin site (thanks you jlz78)
> I have reduced the count of sql queries in the module's index page
> I have corrected a bug in the option "Enable authors to edit their posts"


System Requirements:

Other files by: kavaXtreme

xLanguage (2013/01/03)
Zen Cart (2005/12/02)
Zina (2005/11/14)
Survey (2005/05/28)
Formulize (2005/05/28)
XOOPSPoll (Blind) (2005/05/28)
newBB (CBB) (2005/05/24)
Invision Power Board (2005/04/20)
Statistics (2005/03/01)

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.

 Re: News

Croatian translation is on SVN:




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