UPDATE: Changed table names so that this module can co-exist with the standard News module. Fixed several bugs that resulted from the changes to table names. Fixed minor bug that sometimes caused a most popular story to appear as if it had unread comments when it didn't. Fixed URL to download the latest version.

If you want to migrate your News data over to this Stories module, run "YOUR_URL/modules/stories/migrate.php". This is a bare-bones migrate script that doesn't give any feedback.

DESCIPTION: Replacement for standard News module. It adds many features, such as separate URL storage (doesn't have to be embedded in the blurb), view stories by story author, show unread comments, top stories block can be ordered by comments, top stories block can be limited to only a range of recent stories. The top stories block shows a marker if there are unread comments for the story, AND you can use the new Top Stories block that has an IFRAME for easy browsing.

There's much more, including some fixes to the news module and tweaks (such as adding signatures to comments).

Since this module adds to existing tables and classes instead of altering existing tables and classes, it is possible (and not that hard) to migrate a site using the existing news module to this stories module. However, I haven't yet written up instructions on how to do that migration. Someday, I hope...


System Requirements:

Other files by: goghs

iContent (2004/04/28)
ArMS (2004/04/28)
Frozen Bubble (2004/04/28)
TinyContent (2004/04/28)
WikiMod (2004/04/28)
FreeContent WebDigest (2004/04/28)
ArchContact (2004/04/28)
MS Weather (2004/04/28)
WMP Downloads (2004/04/28)
Chat MX 1.1 (2004/04/28)
MyReviews (2004/04/28)
Galeria (2004/04/28)
IRC Chat (2004/04/28)
MyAds (2004/04/28)
Random Quotes 1.0.1 (2004/04/28)
Topics Blocks (2004/04/28)
Trackback (2004/04/28)

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.


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