This hack is a syntax highlighting support hack for XOOPS 2.x for various programming languages. Syntax highlighting modules included in package are for: С++, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), Delphi (very simplified), DTD, Java (very simplified), JavaScript, MySQL, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, SQL, и XML.

Hack is based on Text_Highlighter PEAR module (by {Andrey Demenev} (lead)). As this module is under development now and in beta state, I included it's modified version in archive, that desn't require installation into the PEAR repository and requires only PEAR.php to work (PEAR core should be installed, of course). All syntax highlighting sucomponents are taken from there, except for Delphi and Java, which are built by myself in a hurry :).

Hack is applied using module.textsanitizer.php modifying, so it will work not only in native Xoops modules, but also in others like SmartFAQ, for example (I tested).

An example of syntax highlighting of Java language in SmartFAQ module can be seen here::

Example 1

Example 2


System Requirements:

Other files by: FractalizeR

XHLD - Russian (2005/01/27)

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.


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