The T.D.M is pleased to present TDMPicture beta, a module of image management.

The module was created to manage your photo album fashionable web 2.0.

Options module:
- Display image or Full.
- Viewing by album name
- Display by Slideshow
- Show popup with navigation
- Ability to download image
- Thumb or self publishing
- Printing via pdf in A4, A3, A2, A1.

- Block with choice of text visualizations, images, or slideshows.

Languages of the module:
- French, English


System Requirements:

Other files by: Lord_Venom

TDMSpot (2010/02/02)
TDMStats (2010/02/02)

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.

 Re: TDMPicture

--- Version 1.03 | 04-03-2010
- 14/03/10: Adding multi edit all uploads
- 14/03/10: Change tdmpicture.css change in the theme
- 14/03/10: Change xoops_version added option.
- 14/03/10: Change method noConflict jquery
- 14/03/10: user info edit bug
- 14/03/10: Change rss.php, IE bug.
- 14/03/10: Change viewcat display style category.
--- Version 1.04 | 31-03-2010
- 31/03/10: Change xoops_version.php bug display.


 Re: TDMPicture

It looks tdmxoops isn't xoops site anymore. There is only some roullet game news all the way
Where can I find this module for download?


 Re: TDMPicture

I fix the download link - you can now download this module directly from SourceForge.



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