myAlbum-P is yet another photo album module for XOOPS2.
This module was made with the slogan "Easy to use for even the beginners".

Since myAlbum-P can be used for multiple purposes, you can easily install this module multiple times.

In particular, ImageManager integration is useful for most XOOPS users. This feature means that almost XOOPS modules can access auto-resized and auto-thumnailed images via the built-in ImageManager. Of course, auto-generated thumnails are used in selecting images and in the article body, though the thumnail in the article body has a link to the main, bigger images.

In myAlbum-P 2.84, ImageManager Integration can handle non-image files. (Simplified Attachment Manager Integration). This means that you can attach any type of file (PDF, Excel, Word ... yes!) to most modules which have XoopsDhtmlTextarea.

"myAlbum-P is not a hacked module."
Although myAlbum-P started from a debugging version of Daniel's myAlbum 1.1.3 historically, the coding in the recent version has very little relation to Daniel's myAlbum.

Yes, myAlbum-P uses images from Daniel's myAlbum. This is the reason why I never eliminated Daniel's name and URL from the credits or footer.

I maintain myAlbum-P whose table's structures are fully compatible with myAlbum 1.1.3. However, I realize that this limitation prevents myAlbum-P from better improvements too.

If I could, I'd like to make another photo album module fully independent of myAlbum.


System Requirements:

Other files by: webmaster

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The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.

 Re: myAlbum-P

Version 2.9.0 GiJoe working with XOOPS 2.5.0
Version 2.9.1b wishcraft does not work with XOOPS 2.5.0


 Re: myAlbum-P

What debugging message did you get from Version 2.9.1b?



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