Document storage
Basic document checkin/checkout locking capability
Document copy/move within the DMS.
Document lifecycles
Document versioning
Document properties
Document routing (to user inboxes within this DMS)
Document templates (when creating a file, if enabled)
Full Text Search using Swish-E
Keyword Properties Search
User, Group, and Everyone permissions

Changes include:
1. Documents created with a template or currently within a lifecycle have additional information indicating the template name and/or the lifecycle stage on the main screen.
2. Setting the "Document Storage Tuning" value to 0 will result in all of the documents being stored within a single directory within the document repository. This should fix the document upload failures experienced by users trying to run the DMS module on systems where PHP is in safe mode. On systems configured this way, the DMS module should only be used when less than several thousand documents are anticipated.
3. It is now possible for documents to inherit the permssions of the immediate parent folder by setting the inherit_perms setting to 1 within the dms_config table


System Requirements:

Other files by: webmaster

Evennews Mailer (2006/06/04)
Chess (2004/08/07)
Avantgo 2.14 (2004/04/28)
Cjay Content 3 (2004/04/28)
Direct Friends (2004/04/28)
Enterprise-X (2004/04/28)
Error Handler (2004/04/28)
Link to us (2004/04/28)
Metacat 1.0 (2004/04/28)
MSN Messenger (2004/04/28)
EasyWeb (2004/04/28)
Supports (2004/04/28)
wsProject (2004/04/28)
Addresses module (2004/04/28)
Agnitio Virus Info (2004/04/28)
Altern8news (2004/04/28)
Analog clock (2004/04/28)
Buddyfriends 2.3 (2004/04/28)

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.

 Re: Document Management System

For those of you running MySQL 5 please read the following:


If you attempt to install this module without modifying the mysql.sql file you will get an error stating "Invalid default value for 'obj_id'"


 Re: Document Management System

Why this module is not GPL when XOOPS itself is?


 Re: Document Management System

is there any specific forum topic which guide to eliminate the error "Invalid default value for 'obj_id'" ?


 Re: Document Management System

Did you read previous comments?


 Re: Document Management System

this file is zip file
but I want Tar file
who can compress to Tar file
thank you very much


 Re: Document Management System

You can do it yourself using 7zip:


 Re: DMS (Document Management System)

Sorry been a while since I used this and think I am missing seomthing. I get the error:

Error: Unable to move document. Ensure that the repository is available and that the web server is able to access the repository.

Have I configured wrong?


 Re: DMS (Document Management System)

I think its a write permission needed on the directory mentioned.


 Re: DMS (Document Management System)

Error: Unable to move document. Ensure that the repository is available and that the web server is able to access the repository.

Have write permision on the folder 'uploads, I need folders named '1'?
Bit confusing.

Otherwise Any other advice?


 Re: DMS (Document Management System)

Version 1.95 has been posted at:


Development is going to begin again on this module.

I forgot about this account and have also registered as "reifsnyderb".



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