Here is the corrected and improved version of the Istat statistical module for Xoops, TDMStats rename this module gives you a maximun of information about your visitors.


Module Options:
- Bar Chart with color choices.
- Visit: by Time, Reference, Country, Day of the month, week, month, time, page, module.
- System: Browser, OS, Resolution, Colors, Hostname.
- Choice of theme.
- Resolution of the country with visitor's flag.

- Block with choice of information displayed

Language Module:
- French
- English
- Persian
- Spanish


System Requirements:

Other files by: Lord_Venom

TDMPicture (2010/03/31)
TDMSpot (2010/02/02)

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.


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Guests: 181



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