This module will help you organize a congress or conference.
The idea is that you can add a congress, the tracks, the
speekers information and the speeches that they give. When
all this information is entered in the database, the module
will create a grid for you with all the information well organized.

Currently the module lacks of a lot of features I will like it to have, but anyway, it's better to realease something usefull than have a great project in paper.


System Requirements:

Other files by: Herko

Fun Flash Games (2004/08/07)
Fun Videos (2004/08/07)

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 Re: MyConference

Installing Conferences

Invalid default value for 'sdate'

Não foi possível instalar myconference. Erro(s):
Retornar à página de administração dos módulos

To Resolve this error in this module ?


 Re: MyConference

CREATE TABLE csmx_myconference_main ( cid tinyint NOT NULL auto_increment, title varchar(200) NOT NULL, subtitle varchar(200) NOT NULL, subsubtitle varchar(200) NOT NULL, sdate DATE NOT NULL default '0', edate DATE NOT NULL default '0', abstract mediumtext default '', isdefault tinyint(1) default 0, PRIMARY KEY (cid) ) TYPE=MyISAM
Error number: 1067
Error message: Invalid default value for 'sdate'



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