Defacer is a new revolutionary XOOPS module that allows you to change themes, metadata and permissions for any given page on the XOOPS-based Website, thus giving you a level of control and customization not seen before.

It also comes with jgrowl redirection system and the ability of using blocks anywhere in your theme and templates

With this Xoops module, you can:
- change themes, metadata and permissions for any given page.
- enable jgrowl redirection system
- use blocks anywhere


System Requirements:

Other files by: Mamba

DH-Info (2014/04/08)
XoopsHeadline (2013/02/04)
XoopsTube (2013/02/04)
xForms (2013/02/04)
Soapbox (2013/02/04)
TDMDownloads (2013/02/04)
Obituaries (2013/02/04)
Backup (2013/02/04)
Google Maps (2013/01/04)
Tag (2013/01/04)
Mastop 2Go (2013/01/04)
MyMenus (2013/01/03)
Birthday (2013/01/03)
Group Manager (2010/01/19)
DokuWiki (2008/12/08)
Auth (2008/07/02)
Sudoku (2008/06/30)
XOOPS Roster (2008/06/30)
MeteoMedia (2008/06/30)
MP Manager (2008/06/30)

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.

 Re: Defacer

Hello Mamba.

I have a question: Is it possible to insert a block( for example with the bid=252 ) into my text ( in TinyMce Textarea )?
It would be very very nice to make it possible, like Xoopscode, that i can place a block inside the text.

I tried to make a new xoopscode( for replacing the text with <{block id=252}> ). But the output has been changed to a html-comment.

I tried to make a new modifier for the smarty. But i can not register it with: smyrt->register.

Do know any solution for this subject?
For security reasons, the replacement could be limited to only existing blocks.


 Re: Defacer

Unfortunately, I have no idea. This module was developed by Trabis.

It's possible that you would have to hack the Textsanitizer to accept the codes, I am not sure. There is a link here talking about codes in TinyMCE, maybe it will help you...


 Re: Defacer

thanks for your reply.
I will check the link and contact Mamba.
It could be an interesting feature, right?



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