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Pageflip 1.03 - is a Book Embeddment system for XOOPS 2.4 and XOOPS 2.5 it uses Javascipt as well as Flash for running a book in either blocks, default content or all of the above. You can have Image Based Book and with a wide variety of options can display a good marquee on your site. Allowing for both image and PDF Output you can display on your site a marquee which fades or slides according to the options you select.

This module also supports XLanguage and has multilingual support so you can have different components of a marquee on multiple language settings using the XOOPS API Language options.

There is a mirade of options with this application. You can specify URLS to link people to, weights, language type, image or text as well as speed, timeout and animation type all at the click of a button.

This module requires you to purchase the HTML Object from to run as it is a commercial module.


System Requirements:

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