This module allows an administrator to specify which module is shown at startup for a specific group after login or for anonymous users.

You can now redirect specific groups of users to a part of your site that suits them with an easy to use administration interface.

As an example you can configure your site to do this:
- Start the Content module for Anonymous users
- Start the News module for Registered users
- Start the Forum module for your forumadmins
- etc...

This version is a small update to the original 0.3 version.

Changes in this version include:
- Updated to be compatible with XOOPS 2.4.x
- Bugfix relating to user being member of several groups
- Possibility to update start order

Read the enclosed installation instructions in install.txt. A regular update of the module is possible by copying over the old files and updating the module. Please note that this module requires you to add a line to the include/checklogin.php page.

Credits: Thanks to culex for QA and "best practice" adjustments


System Requirements:

Other files by: Mazarin

XoopsPoll (2013/01/03)
Mastop Publish (2010/02/02)
MultiMenu (2010/02/02)

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.

 Re: TS-My Startup Page

last week i have installed this module on XOOPS 2.4.4 followed the setup details for editing

$url = XOOPS_URL.'/index.php'; // TS-MYSTARTUP HACK

setup this module as the default one.. but when i setup in this module the non-members go to module X
and registrated members go to module Y it does'nt work?

Kind regards


 Re: TS-My Startup Page

Hi acegamer,

This was a mistake on my part, which has now been corrected. One minute ago I asked Mamba to update the file (I will report back as soon as that is done), but until then you can use the SVN to get the module.

Please rename the folder to startup (i.e. not trunk)


 Re: TS-My Startup Page

The file has been updated, but I don't know how long it will take to update different SourceForge mirrors.


 Re: TS-My Startup Page

Download link is now updated.



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