Originally we had eggs that we had given Leostotch and Skalpa with Zetareticuli theme, then the larva Mor.Pho.GEN.e.sis by snow77, and after successive moults the larva to reach the nymph, meanwhile, I adapted zetareticuli to give you Zetagenesis now as the Xoops core. After 3 ½ years of a process of evolving from the XOOPS Design Team and a few tens of thousands of themes online based on this template theme, an Imago comes in the Laboratory XooFoo.org finally to extricate itself from its shell !! Version 3.0 Mor.Pho.GEN.e.sis fruit of maturity, and possesses a wealth of features and options modularity and customization, which will delight any Xoops user by allowing him to release his creativity with minimal knowledge of languages html, css, javascript or php. On the first "confused" after a short study you find that it has been designed from a simple logic and is easily adjustable from only a few files. Download the template theme Mor.Pho.GEN.e.sis --> HERE InstallationUnpack the archive and upload all the folders and files directly into the folder 'themes' of your site InformationNote 1: To seize the opportunity to add blocks in the footer or the home box (under the header), you must save the file "function.block.php" in yourSite / class / smarty / xoops_plugins / Note 2: To enjoy the possibility of adding an insert content in the header in home page, you must verify or fill the following line in the file xo_homepage.html: <(if! Xoops_isuser & $ & $ smarty . server.PHP_SELF == '/ index.php')> - if your site is at the root of the server, put '/ index.php',
- if '/ nomdudossier / index.php'
If you have difficulty finding the path, add "() $ smarty.server.PHP_SELF> first line of this file and the information displayed, then remove the line and comments on issues of security Note 3: You can disable or enable different files (include) or subject area (columns left and right, high and low blocks) by changing values in the file xo_thm_parameters.html Note 4: Documentation is being drafted and should be published in the first quarter of 2010. But by then, many tips have been published on this theme on the Xoops forum (here or Xoops France). Acknowledgments- Snow77, Skalpa and Leostotch for initial work, Dugris - Burning and Christian for help and tests,
- Xoops Community for inspiration and suggestions for improvement
- XOOPS Design Team for its participation in the development and use of this theme template
- The Afux (Xoops Users French Association) for support in this project.
Credits DownloadMor.Pho.GEN.e.sis 3.0 is available HERE DemoInstall the theme on your site, and you will! ExtrasJoin the Group Mor.Pho.GEN.e.sis for Xoops on Facebook! and/or become a Fan! and receive the daily news and tips for users of the template theme.