Displayname hack


there are some webmasters still using XOOPS 2.2 even though XOOPS 2.4.5 has been released. And this is because of something that is only in XOOPS 2.2: Displayname.

So I've created this hack which will let you add Displayname to your website.

This hack support english and persian languages and was tested on XOOPS 2.4.

Here is a direct download link from the Persian XOOPS support site.

Just extract it into the Root of your XOOPS Installation and go to this address :

After updating your profile module you'll have a Displayname in your site.

I hope this will help.

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The NEW Module for Management of Themes

IXThemes Project offers you the new FREE module of management IXT themes for XOOPS.

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This module quite logically is called IXTFrameWork.

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Now I suggest you to test the FREE version of module IXTFrameWork 1.02.


- Compatible with XOOPS 2.3.x, 2.4.x, 2.5.x;
- Intuitively Clear Interface;
- jQuery Tooltips with a Slide Effect (XOOPS 2.5.x);
- 5 Preestablished Theme Assigns Styles;
- 2880 or more Assigns Styles you can create the self hands;
- Unforgettable Index Page of the Module;
- All Icons in One Style;
- Absolutely FREE of charge.

Attention: You can FREE DOWNLOAD IXTFrameWork 1.02 here in ZIP-archive or here in 7Z-archive.

I hope for good responses.

Best regards,
IXThemes Project
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XOOPS 2.5 Beta Released

Resized Image The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce that a new version of the Top 5 Finalist of 2010 Packt Open Source CMS - XOOPS 2.5.0 Beta is available for download. Resized Image The XOOPS 2.5.0 release is a major redesign of the System Module which has been AJAX-ed with jQuery done mainly by Nicolas Andricq (ForMusS), Cointin Maxime (kraven_30), and Grégory Mage (Mage). Other major contributors include Trabis, Voltan, and Kris_fr. Some of the new features are truly amazing, like the visual placement of blocks, and we're sure that the users will love them Other major improvements/additions include: - Added: Help System for Admin and modules (see PM module) - Added: MySQL Dump in Maintenance - Added: New Redirect messaging - Added: Column sorting in tables - Added: smarty plugin for icon pack - Added: smarty plugin for breadcrumb navigation - Added: jQuery plugins for display popup or manage drag & drop - Added: File Manager (Plugin) - Added: Maintenance with Cache Clean-up, and Tables Maintenance - Added: Visual module ordering with drag & drop - Added: Visual block placement with drag & drop - Added: Refactor all PHP code for use XOOPS API - Added: Use template in the same way that front user, admin side for module can call a main template define in xoops_version.php - Added: Allow override of template in admin theme like frontend if we set template in ADMIN_THEME - Added: New variable 'system_menu' in xoops_version.php of each module, this variable generate a tab menu for module admin side if set to 1, this feature is for give one unique tab menu for all menu (eg: module PM for). - Added: add jquery plugin in xoops_lib - Added: change install for install admin template and admin setting - Added: manage editor for blocks, comments and for all module if module developper want to use it activate or deactivate system section - Added: choose number of line for admin section - Added: display or hide tips Avatar: - activate/deactivate avatar with ajax Banners: - jquery popup for display banners Block admin: - drag n drop block for manage position and weight - jquery popup for preview Comments: - multiple selection for deletion - purge Groups: - number of user per group - new disposition Images: - lightbox preview + thumbs Modulea Admin: - jquery popup for display info Preferences: - system settings Smilies: - activate/deactivate smilies with ajax Templates: - manage overide of all template online - generated file come from database User Rank: - activate/deactivate userrank with ajax Users: - advanced user management - new disposition - simple and advance search For a detailed Change log, please click here. Videos To see the main features of XOOPS 2.5.0, check out the following videos that were made for the Alpha release: a) In Spanish (by Uskola 2) b) In English (by Vamptrix) c) In English (by Mamba)


Please remember: This is BETA release for features testing only!!!! DO NOT install it on a production site and DO NOT upgrade any production site with it!!! This is NOT an Update to Alpha 1 or 2. You HAVE TO install it as a FRESH Install. Download it from Sourceforge repository. Please post and discuss all issues related to this release in this forum We also need help with Translations
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ixt010 XOOPS Theme Collection by IXThemes 4.0

ixt010 XOOPS Theme Collection by IXThemes 4.0 is released

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What's new in IXThemes Release 4.0:

- 8 Custom Widgets,
- MyMenus XUUPS module support,
- RTL support (simple set it in assigns.html),
- Theme Security improved,
- jQuery Tooltips with a Slide Effect,
- Two Custom Wide Widgets or Block Zones,
- Custom Preheader Addon Menu,
- 2880+ Combinations in One XOOPS Theme,
- Language Independed Control Buttons

Properties (you can see all on demo):

- Compatible with XOOPS 2.3.x, 2.4.x, 2.5.x;
- Tested on Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Opera, IE6/7/8, Maxthon, SeaMonkey;
- Flexible and SIMPLE adjustment of columns width according to your desire;
- Very SIMPLE replacement image background for Header;
- Very SIMPLE replacement image background for Footer;
- Customizable Slide Show with 7+ Scenarios;
- Roll-up Blocks in Left Sidebar and Right Sidebar;
- Presets for Visibility of Roll-up Blocks;
- Customizable Expanded Footer with 4 Blocks;
- Two Control Zones for hide/show Footer and Left or Right Sidebars;
- Customizable Expanded Header;
- Self-adjusted Horizontal Menu Bar;
- Customizable Preheader Zone (none, search, menu);
- Customizable Concatenation of Left Sidebar and Right Sidebar;
- jQuery 1.4.2 Library (You can use it if you do not have conflicts with old XOOPS modules);
- Customizable LCR, LRC, RLC, CLR, CRL, LC, CR, RC, CL Columns Layout;

Live Demo of ixt010 Theme Collection on:

XOOPS 2.3.3

XOOPS 2.4.5

XOOPS 2.5.0

You can buy XOOPS Themes:

ixt010 Theme Collection
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Xoops Design Sd-073-NewFreeTheme

I'm happy to present my new FREE XOOPS Theme with the name Sd-073-NewFreeTheme.

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Here can you find the - XOOPS 2.4 Theme Demo - XOOPS 2.5 Theme Demo

And here is the FREE - Download Xoops Theme Sd-073-NewFreeTheme

Have Fun with the new Theme.
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14 XOOPS Themes by IXThemes 4.0 are released

14 XOOPS Themes by IXThemes 4.0 are released

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What's new in IXThemes Release 4.0:

- 8 Custom Widgets (you can place your widget in /xoplugins),
- MyMenus XUUPS module support (see demo Properties/Navigation),
- RTL support (simple set it in assigns.html),
- jQuery Tooltips with a Slide Effect,
- Two Custom Wide Widgets or Block Zones,
- Custom Preheader Addon Menu (you can disable it in assigns.html),
- 2880+ Combinations in One XOOPS Theme,
- Language Independed Control Buttons,
- Theme Security improved

Properties (you can see all on demo):

- Compatible with XOOPS 2.3.x, 2.4.x, 2.5.x;
- Tested on Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Opera, IE6/7/8, Maxthon, SeaMonkey;
- Flexible and SIMPLE adjustment of columns width according to your desire;
- Very SIMPLE replacement image background for Header;
- Very SIMPLE replacement image background for Footer;
- Customizable Slide Show with 7+ Scenarios;
- Roll-up Blocks in Left Sidebar and Right Sidebar;
- Presets for Visibility of Roll-up Blocks;
- Customizable Expanded Footer with 4 Blocks;
- Two Control Zones for hide/show Footer and Left or Right Sidebars;
- Customizable Expanded Header;
- Self-adjusted Horizontal Menu Bar;
- Customizable Preheader Zone (none, search, menu);
- Customizable Concatenation of Left Sidebar and Right Sidebar;
- jQuery 1.4.2 Library (You can use it if you do not have conflicts with old XOOPS modules);
- Customizable LCR, LRC, RLC, CLR, CRL, LC, CR, RC, CL Columns Layout;

Live Demo of ixt002 Theme Collection on:

XOOPS 2.3.3

XOOPS 2.4.5

XOOPS 2.5.0

You can buy XOOPS Themes:

ixt002 Theme Collection

XOOPS is the 2010 Open Source Awards Finalist in the CMS category

Resized Image Resized Image Yes, we did it again!!!! We are very proud to announce that thanks to the support from our XOOPS Community, XOOPS made it to the Finals as one of the Top 5 Best Open Source CMS in the 2010 Open Source CMS Award!!!! Resized Image Resized Image Resized Image Our big "THANK YOU" to all the XOOPS supporters who took the time to nominate us for this Award! The official voting is OPEN, so please VOTE NOW! (click here...) September 27 | Voting Begins This is when the final five Content Management Systems hit the campaign trail in search of the all important votes. The Judges for the award come from a panel of industry experts and YOU. YOUR vote counts, so please take the time to select XOOPS for the winner of the Award. The last day of Voting is November 5, so please VOTE for XOOPS TODAY: click here.... Nominate your favourite CMS now! Please help us out! Let's mobilize our worldwide XOOPS community and let's vote for our beloved CMS!!! On November 15 the top 3 and the Winner will be announced. This is the third year in a row that XOOPS made it as the finalist into the Top 5 Open Source CMS Awards, and we can be very proud of it!!! Viva XOOPS!!!
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9 Themes by IXThemes 4.0 are released

9 XOOPS Themes by IXThemes 4.0 is released

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What's new in IXThemes Release 4.0:

- MyMenus module support,
- RTL support,
- Creative Tooltips with a Slide Effect,
- Two Customizable Wide Block Zones,
- Customizable Preheader Addon Menu,
- 2880+ Combinations in One XOOPS Theme,
- Language Independed Control Buttons,
- JS and CSS powered and optimized

Properties (you can see all on demo):

- Compatible with XOOPS 2.3.x, 2.4.x, 2.5.x;
- Tested on Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Opera, IE6/7/8, Maxthon, SeaMonkey;
- Flexible and SIMPLE adjustment of columns width according to your desire;
- Very SIMPLE replacement image background for Header;
- Very SIMPLE replacement image background for Footer;
- Customizable Slide Show with 7+ Scenarios;
- Roll-up Blocks in Left Sidebar and Right Sidebar;
- Presets for Visibility of Roll-up Blocks;
- Customizable Expanded Footer with 4 Blocks;
- Two Control Zones for hide/show Footer and Left or Right Sidebars;
- Customizable Expanded Header;
- Self-adjusted Horizontal Menu Bar;
- Customizable Preheader Zone (none, search, menu);
- Customizable Concatenation of Left Sidebar and Right Sidebar;
- jQuery 1.4.2 Library (You can use it if you do not have conflicts with old XOOPS modules);
- Customizable LCR, LRC, RLC, CLR, CRL, LC, CR, RC, CL Columns Layout;

Live Demo of ixt001 Theme Collection on:

XOOPS 2.3.3

XOOPS 2.4.5

XOOPS 2.5.0

You can buy XOOPS Themes:

ixt001 Theme Collection

Best regards,

PowerFrag.FM - Developed in XOOPS

XOOPS Community,

After what has been an extremely long time in development, of around 4 or so years, I'd like to present the community with one of my XOOPS creations: PowerFrag.FM (PF, for short).

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PF is a small online radio station which specializes in streaming video game soundtracks. This has been a niche hobby of mine for several years, and I am pleased to start showing it to the world. My recent change in jobs has given me more available time to work on this.

It is currently running XOOPS 2.4.5, and has been in various stages of development since XOOPS 2.3 was first released. The station's first run in 2006 was initially powered by XOOPS 2.0.18. The theme is pf_blue, which was based on Sparkles_v1 by XOOPS Design.

I owe huge props to PantslessJedi for some of the graphics work and advice.

The modules in use are:
* Protector 3.4
* News 1.66
* XDonations 1.96
* Tags 2.3
* CBB 3.08
* SmartFaq 1.08
* UHQ_IceAuth 0.7
* UHQ_Radio 0.12

There are some more modules waiting in the wings, but I've been keeping more focused to the streaming operations side of the system for the time being.

I'm going into more of a promotional mode starting 10/1, but I thought the XOOPS community deserved an early preview. ;)

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Wind of Change : new website running on XOOPS

the "Wind of Change" music band, is pleased to announce you their new website running on XOOPS 2.4.5
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Modules used to build this website :

-- Publisher (to broadcast the band news)

-- Contact 1.07

-- Extgallery to show band's picutres

-- Mytube to show videos

-- Sitemap

-- Mymenus

-- Protector

with 3 new modules tailored expressly for this website :

-- Concert : to show date, time and local for upcoming concerts

-- Biography : to write the biography of the band and musicians

-- Discography : to show all cd's releases , tracks...etc

The modules have been created by Mage , design and development by Mariane

Wind of change:
Brace yourself ... A wind of change blowing through the Swiss rock scene ... Reserved for those who seek to vibrate to the sound of rock power, those who want to be touched to the heart through intense ballads, to those who want to feel the thrill of music that makes sense. Join the era of Wind of Change

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