YAXS: PowerFrag.FM - Developed in XOOPS

Posted by: iunderwoodOn 2010/9/26 15:30:00 5698 reads
XOOPS Community,

After what has been an extremely long time in development, of around 4 or so years, I'd like to present the community with one of my XOOPS creations: PowerFrag.FM (PF, for short).

Resized Image

PF is a small online radio station which specializes in streaming video game soundtracks. This has been a niche hobby of mine for several years, and I am pleased to start showing it to the world. My recent change in jobs has given me more available time to work on this.

It is currently running XOOPS 2.4.5, and has been in various stages of development since XOOPS 2.3 was first released. The station's first run in 2006 was initially powered by XOOPS 2.0.18. The theme is pf_blue, which was based on Sparkles_v1 by XOOPS Design.

I owe huge props to PantslessJedi for some of the graphics work and advice.

The modules in use are:
* Protector 3.4
* News 1.66
* XDonations 1.96
* Tags 2.3
* CBB 3.08
* SmartFaq 1.08
* UHQ_IceAuth 0.7
* UHQ_Radio 0.12

There are some more modules waiting in the wings, but I've been keeping more focused to the streaming operations side of the system for the time being.

I'm going into more of a promotional mode starting 10/1, but I thought the XOOPS community deserved an early preview. ;)
