Xoops Free Theme! - Technology

Hello! XOOPS Community!
This is another free theme for XOOPS!

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See Here

Download Here
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Cssified Xoops Default Theme

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On the road of Xoops 2.5 I decided to redraw the basic old fashioned style default theme of Xoops keeping the same exact visual layout but transforming the theme in a tableless, full css version.

Changes made to the theme structure offer a more compliant and solid version of it.
Here Some of the changes made:
* Removed all tables from theme.html
* Removed style markup from left/right center block
* Fixed the object/image banner code style
* Added a fix for floating objects in center blocks divs
* Applied a slight border to fieldset tag for better block visualization
* Dublin Core Metadata (DCMI) added

The theme can show 1,2,3 columns automatically, same height columns, don't need hacks/conditionals, has a W3c valid code, it's crossbrowser and don't need
It is possible to apply images/colors as background or borders.. to all the columns (you can test this flexibility and some visual improvements by trying the default-css-test version)
The core of Default-css theme is a port of the great Holy Grail 3 column liquid-layout by Matthew James Taylor.

As you may guess the result is nothing particularly original at first sight.. but this work is obviously a proposal for a concrete possible road for Xoops theming/templating which, in my opinion, still stay a step back from other cms..
In the next feature I plan to make a more stylish/accessible version of this tableless structure and work on system templates.. hoping that the Xoops team will consider this way to approach theming in the next to come 2.5 final release..

You can view, test & download the theme HERE
(Testing on Mac/Linux will be particularly useful)

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New XOOPS Module IXTCake

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IXThemes Project offers you the NEW XOOPS Module IXTCake.

IXTCake is a module for integration CakePHP RAD System into a XOOPS Web Application Platform.

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Hot Features of IXTCake 1.0.5:

- CakePHP 1.3.5 included (2010-10-24);
- SimpleTest 1.0.1 included;
- jQuery 1.4.3 included;
- 105 Core Test Cases;
- 21 Core Test Groups;
- 4 Module Blocks;
- Compatible with PHP 5.2 (5.2.11 tested) and PHP 5.3 (5.3.3 tested);
- Compatible with Themes by IXThemes rel.#4.x

Other IXTCake Properties:

- Compatible with XOOPS 2.3.x, 2.4.x, 2.5.x;
- Full support jGrowl redirect messages for XOOPS 2.4.x, XOOPS 2.5.x;
- 4 module icons for support RMCommon;
- A CSS addon for RMCommon GUI has been included;
- jquery.prettyPhoto.js and tooltip.js for RMCommon GUI has been included.
- A XOOPS preloads property is supported. (for XOOPS 2.4.x, XOOPS 2.5.x)
- A Style for CSS3 Tooltips has been included. (for XOOPS 2.4.x)
- A XOOPS preloads property is supported. (for XOOPS 2.4.x, XOOPS 2.5.x)
- Compatible with RMCommon Utilities.
- Intuitively Clear Interface;
- jQuery Tooltips with a Slide Effect (XOOPS 2.4.x, XOOPS 2.5.x);
- Unforgettable a Module Index Page;
- All Icons in One Style;
- Absolutely FREE.

What is CakePHP?

CakePHP is a rapid development framework for PHP that provides an extensible architecture for developing, maintaining, and deploying applications. Using commonly known design patterns like MVC and ORM within the convention over configuration paradigm, CakePHP reduces development costs and helps developers write less code.

What is SimpleTest?

The heart of SimpleTest is a testing framework built around test case classes. These are written as extensions of base test case classes, each extended with methods that actually contain test code.


You can download IXTCake 1.0.5 in ZIP-archive or in 7Z-archive.

The Frontend Screenshot with ixt02905cacao Theme

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The Backend Screenshot

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New Xoops Engine (X3) Goes Public

I am very pleased to present you X3, the new Xoops Engine for the next generation of XOOPS powered web application development.

This new Xoops Engine was long time in coming. During that time, we went through different phases of trials and errors, but I believe that finally we have the best combination of features and technologies to strategically position XOOPS as one of the top Web Application Platform solutions.

The new Xoops Engine has been re-designed from the ground up to take advantages of third-party frameworks like Zend Framework and Smarty 3.

Why did we rewrite XOOPS?
XOOPS is one of the most successful Open Source CMS and portal solutions, constantly placing in top places in various competitions, and receiving various awards. But it is showing signs of aging, that would require major rewrites of the Core.
In order to keep us focused on creating a flexible and extensible development engine for developers and a high performance application platform for end users, the development team has decided to use industry-standard frameworks. By doing so, we can focus our limited resources on aspects that make XOOPS unique and special, while leaving standard functionality to be addressed by off-the-shelf frameworks. This way we can take advantage of latest internet developments already included in those frameworks - it's like getting suddenly a whole new team of some of the best and brightest PHP and RIA programmers joining XOOPS!

After much research, we've selected a couple of frameworks at this stage:
PHP: Zend Framework
Template: Smarty 3,
JavaScript: jQuery

Meanwhile the multi-engine mechanism of the Xoops Engine will ensure the possibility of adopting other excellent frameworks in the future, like Yii Framework, Dojo Toolkit, etc.

Why did we choose Zend Framework for PHP
* The design and coding is professional and state-of-the-art
* Fully Object-oriented and strictly PHP 5
* The documentation is exhaustive, with countless third-party resources available on internet
* The development is very active and sustainable, and its team is backed by PHP development team (Zend)
* Strong support from major corporations (Technology partners include IBM, Google, Microsoft, Adobe Systems, and StrikeIron).
* Use-at-will architecture with loosely coupled components and minimal interdependencies
* Extensible MVC implementation supporting layouts and PHP-based templates by default
* The components are vast and loosely coupled and potentially compatible with other libraries: on-demand pickup
* Proven PHPunit integration for unit tests

What goes forward:
The Xoops Engine architecture is designed to build on features that made XOOPS so popular:
* Modularization
* Themes
* Template

What do we expect to improve in new Xoops Engine:
* Flexible architecture and elegant code and implementation
* Modern MVC architecture: faster development, state-of-the-art technology
* Distributed deployment respecting virtual hosts
* Contributor friendly skeleton: easy to manage third-party modules and plugins
* SEO capable URL routing
* Solid and rich libraries and frameworks
* Ready to implement unit test

Since the new Xoops Engine aims to bring the XOOPS Project into the next generation of web application development with solid and flexible architecture and state-of-the-art frameworks, its mechanism and APIs might be sometimes different from what is utilized in legacy XOOPS. However, we will keep doing our best to guarantee compatibility for legacy modules and themes at development level and deployment.

I will be introducing to you the new features in detail in the upcoming documentation.
At this moment, please refer to Technical.txt for temporary description. You might also want to check Todo.txt to see what is scheduled to come.

I understand that every XOOPSer is keen to learn about how the new Xoops Engine looks like and how it works. And some developers can't wait to develop modules for the new Engine.

However since this is the first public release of the new Engine, I would like to stress that this Alpha release is mainly for EXPERIENCED developers and designers only, as there will be bugs, missing features, and frequent updates. Please remember: this is ALHPA release.
For end users - please be a little more patient before the new system is made more end-user friendly by the experienced developers and designers.

Testing Platforms:
The code has been tested only on a couple of limited environments:
- WAMPserver
- CentOS/apache/php/mysql
- Uniform Server

We are aware X3 does not run at the moment on some environments (e.g. EasyPHP). However, the goal of the Alpha release is NOT testing if X3 runs on all possible platforms with all possible browsers, but to test functionality and features. Therefore, please try to test on the above platforms, if yours is not working. Once we freeze features, then we'll move into testing on various platforms and making sure that it works there.

System requirements:
Apache mod_rewrite
PHP 5.3+

Bug Reporting
For Xoops Engine development, we'll use a separate Bug Tracker: SourceForce Trac. Please report any bugs only there.
For relevant discussions, please use Sourceforge Forum before the demo site is set up.

Here is the plan for upcoming months:
1) In November, I will work with a few experienced developers like Trabis and MusS to prepare a couple of basic modules
2) In December, a selected small group of people will work on a basic functioning system, including developers, designers, testers and technical writers.
3) Our goal is to present by end of this year a reasonably stable platform for developers and end users to play around.

The code is hosted on SourceForge SVN and experienced developers might want to download tarball from there.
Downloadable packages will be available once the code is ready for end-users to play with.

On behalf of XOOPS developers I would like to thank our great XOOPS community worldwide for the fantastic support and dedication in the last decade.
Special thanks goes to
- Mamba, for helping create this new Xoops Engine
- and the Xoops Engine preview members, including but not limited to: trabis, nicolas, kris_fr, marco, insraq, ezsky, for preview comments and early stage of module/application development

Taiwen Jiang
Xoops Engine Developer
October 30, 2010
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Doček Nove godine is redesigned

Doček Nove godine (New Year in Belgrade, Serbia) is redesigned.

The main goal of Doček Nove godine is to collect all new year party events in Belgrade (Serbia), and travel agency offers for traveling outside Serbia for holidays.

Last year we had huge interest for our website, so we consider it and redesign it.

There are many events for New Year in Belgrade, and some of them are in clubs, restaurants, on the river or in big halls.

Redesign is based on Xoosla theme.

Modules used on Doček Nove godine:
- Publisher (cloned 3 times)
- Xoops Care
- xForms
- Planet
- Content (by ForMuss)

Enjoy it, and visit Belgrade for New Year eve. There are a lot of events for everyone. Belgrade is famous of it's nightlife.

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Visit Doček Nove godine and it's New Year events.
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xNews v1.71 (RC) UTF-8 SEO is Out!!

xNews v1.71 (RC) UTF-8 SEO

- Changed Frameworks/tcpdf/config/tcpdf_config.php with voltan's patch
Instead of getting default tcpdf header image and info now you get xoopsroot/images/logo.png and
$xoopsConfig['slogan']); and $xoopsConfig['sitename']);
- Modified xnews/makepdf.php to reflect above changes
- Changed old SEO samples with fixed working ones in xnews/docs/seo-samples
- Fixed Missing tags variable in class.newsstory.php store function
Fixes new news submit issue
- Renamed and deleted xnews/extra/modules/tag content
now only fixed xnews.php plugin and index.html should be there
Fixes Tags not working issue reported by beduino
- Deleted some unneccessary files
- Fixed smaller issues
- Added new options in preferences
- Display attached PDF - If enabled attached pdf files will be displayed in the article page.
- Actvate PDF plugin detection - If enabled this will affect client side browser not to show
PDF iframes if PDF browser plugin is not installed. Works together with Display attached PDF.
- Display attached images - If enabled attached images will be displayed in the article page.
- Modified /language/xxxx/modinfo.php to reflect new additions
- Added new options in submit page.
- Image Display Rows
- PDF Display Rows
- Modified /language/xxxx/admin.php to reflect new additions
- Added a javascript function to detect adobe reader.
- Fixed backend.php outputting html tags.
- Added thumb creation on attaching image files
- Added thumb_maxwidth, thumb_maxheight in preferences
- Modified /language/xxxx/modinfo.php to reflect new additions
- Fixed SEO htaccess file in root level not working with clones - always redirected to xnews
- changed samples in docs

Download it here

For more info and demo go here
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FREE Xoops Theme Sd-074-Halloween

Sinnedesign is happy to present the new FREE XOOPS Theme with the name Theme Sd-074-Halloween.

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Here can you find the - XOOPS 2.4 Theme Demo - XOOPS 2.5 Theme Demo.

And here is the FREE - Download Xoops Theme Sd-074-Halloween.

Have Fun with Halloween and the new Theme.
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The DARK BLUE Colour Scheme for HALLOWEEN

IXThemes Project presents to you ixt02905 Dark Blue Theme for Hallowen

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What's New in IXThemes Release 4.2?

- jQuery 1.4.3 included,
- Beautiful Tooltips (The colour scheme is considered),
- To TOP Link on any Page,
- Stretched Content Area,
- Any Block in Slider,
- 3000+ of Layout Variants,
- 9 Widgetized Areas,
- 7 Slide Show Scenarios,
- 3 Variants of Preheader,
- Slider with Bullets Pagination,
- Slider Area on/off Switching,
- Sidebars Areas on/off Switching,
- Footer Area on/off Switching.

Useful Properties of XOOPS Themes by IXThemes:

- 1-2-3 Columns Page Layout,
- Compatible with XOOPS 2.3.x, 2.4.x, 2.5.x;
- Tested on Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Opera, IE6/7/8;
- Flexible and SIMPLE adjustment of columns in %%;
- Very SIMPLE replacement image background for Header;
- Very SIMPLE replacement image background for Footer;
- Roll-up Blocks in Left Sidebar and Right Sidebar;
- Presets for Visibility of Roll-up Blocks;
- Customizable Expanded Footer with 4 Custom Widgets or Module Blocks;
- Two Control Areas for hide/show Footer and Left or Right Sidebars;
- Customizable Expanded Header;
- Self-adjusted Horizontal Menu Bar;
- Customizable Preheader Areas (none, search, buttons-menu);
- Customizable Concatenation of Left Sidebar and Right Sidebar;
- jQuery Library included;
- Customizable LCR, LRC, RLC, CLR, CRL, LC, CR, RC, CL Columns Layout,
- Compatible with a FREE IXTFrameWork 1.0.3 module;

Live Demo

ixt02905 Dark Blue Theme on XOOPS 2.5.0,

ixt02905 Dark Blue Theme on XOOPS 2.4.5,

ixt02905 Dark Blue Theme on XOOPS 2.3.3

Purchase Details

This theme is inexpensive. You can familiarise with purchase conditions in IXThemes Shop.
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XOOPS Theme ixt02905 Cacao Release 4.2

IXTheme Project presents to you ixt02905 Cacao Theme

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What's New in IXThemes Release 4.2?

- jQuery 1.4.3 included,
- To TOP Link on any Page,
- Any Block in Slideshow,
- 3000+ of Layout Variants,
- 9 Widgetized Areas,
- 7 Slideshow Scenarios,
- 3 Variants of Preheader,
- Stretched Content Area,
- Beautiful Tooltips,
- Slider with Bullets Pagination,
- Sidebars on/off Switching,
- Footer on/off Switching.

Other Useful Properties of Themes by IXThemes:

- 1-2-3 Columns Page Layout,
- Compatible with XOOPS 2.3.x, 2.4.x, 2.5.x;
- Tested on Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Opera, IE6/7/8, Maxthon, SeaMonkey;
- Flexible and SIMPLE adjustment of columns in %%;
- Very SIMPLE replacement image background for Header;
- Very SIMPLE replacement image background for Footer;
- Roll-up Blocks in Left Sidebar and Right Sidebar;
- Presets for Visibility of Roll-up Blocks;
- Customizable Expanded Footer with 4 Custom Widgets or Module Blocks;
- Two Control Areas for hide/show Footer and Left or Right Sidebars;
- Customizable Expanded Header;
- Self-adjusted Horizontal Menu Bar;
- Customizable Preheader Areas (none, search, buttons-menu);
- Customizable Concatenation of Left Sidebar and Right Sidebar;
- jQuery Library included;
- Customizable LCR, LRC, RLC, CLR, CRL, LC, CR, RC, CL Columns Layout,
- Compatible with a FREE IXTFrameWork 1.0.3 module;


ixt02905 Cacao Theme on XOOPS 2.5.0,

ixt02905 Cacao Theme on XOOPS 2.4.5,

ixt02905 Cacao Theme on XOOPS 2.3.3

Purchase Details

This theme inexpensive. You can familiarise with purchase conditions in IXThemes Shop.
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Frxoops hallowen party

Frxoops hallowen party

As the Halloween party will take place this weekend, frxoops just put up a theme dedicated to this event. We invite you to visit here

And do not forget your costumes and candy

Traduction française

Frxoops fête hallowen

A l’occasion de la fête d’Halloween qui va se dérouler ce week-end,frxoops vient de mettre en place un thème dédié à cet événement. Nous vous invitons à venir le visiter ici

Et surtout n’oubliez pas vos déguisements et bonbons
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