XOOPS Toolbar (commercial item)

XOOPS Toolbar This is my first theme addon and consists of a Facebook style toolbar specially created for XOOPS. The toolbar offers an alternative method of navigation for registered and unregistered users alike. Its aim is to be a tool which allows sharing links via popular social networking services such as Facebook, Twitter and Myspace to name just a few. It also allows the admin to quickly jump to few of the most used administrating features XOOPS integrates and it offers an overview of online visitors displaying a box of online users be they anons or registered users, as admin you can also view the IP address of each visitor helping you to easily identify possible spammers. The toolbar integrates 3 major tools: - User Menu, which also visually notifies you of any new/unread messages; - Social Networking posting, allowing the visitor to easily post to their favorite social network (facebook, twitter, myspace) - Online presence which substitutes the default XOOPS block "Who's Online" And last but not least, the toolbar also includes a login box and a registration link for the anonymous visitors. The toolbar can be minimised at will and as a nice touch, it "remembers" if you have closed it or not when you visit the site again. The toolbar is distributed as stand-alone and can be incorporated in virtually any XOOPS theme and its avaialable for download to our paid subcribers and it will be part of all themes "aphexthemes" will release in the future. Current version is 1.0 and it will be further developed to integrate more tools and make it more powerful for both admins and regular visitors so make sure you keep an eye on our forums. The toolbar can be viewed in action on aphex themes And you can get it HERE For support with this item do not hesitate to post in our forums Enjoy!
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SmartFAQ 1.11 - Tag Support & .htaccess SEO

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SmartFAQ 1.11
SmartFAQ with Tag Support & .htaccess SEO
Sponsored by Laproscopic

SmartFAQ is the smartfactory title that has been discontinued by the orginal authors, this is a work up from the XUUPS version to include tag module support as well as SEO URLS with .htaccess

SmartFAQ is a FAQ that has a wide range of options from open responses to Q&A which offer variety for your FAQ. It is paginated and has a great many features.

In this version tag module support is added as well as SEO URL with .htaccess you can find the .htaccess file in the doc folder. Please see the change log.

Download: xoops2.5_smartfaq_1.11.zip (309Kb)

Heyula-2011 Theme Free

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Theme heyula-2011/xotpl/xobanner.html = Mostop Go2

Xoops Türkiye...

Theme Demo And Download :



Free Xoops Premium Theme Sd-076-ICEorange

Sinnedesign is happy to present the new FREE XOOPS Theme with the name Sd-076-ICEorange.

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Here can you find the - XOOPS 2.4 Theme Demo - XOOPS 2.5 Theme Demo.

And here is the FREE - Download Xoops Theme Sd-076-ICEorange.

And here is the direct Download - Link (without registration)

Happy new Year and have Fun with XOOPS.

Slideshow Module from XOOPS China

Our XOOPS friends from China have developed little cute module for pictures slideshow with different effects, which can be then displayed in a block. This module is called "Spotlight".

Currently there are five visual effects included, such as 3D rotation, widescreen, fading, etc.

I have replaced most of the hard-coded Chinese text with language variable, so now it could be translated into other languages. English is available.

Download: from our SVN

Our goal for 2011 is to leverage more XOOPS development from around the world, i.e. ensure that the modules are ready for translations (i.e. no hard-coded local text), and that we work together on improvements. A good example is the recent work on extGallery with XOOPSers from Italy, Iran, and Austria working on a module originally developed in France.

Please join existing development or start forming new teams if you want to improve on some older modules. The Blue Move should continue in 2011 as well

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Lawsuit 1.50

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Lawsuit 1.50
Contact Forms with Verbose Checking

Lawsuit is an module for XOOPS that allows for categories and pages to be create with associated forms. The forms are completely customisable and offer a method of display data in pertinence to any legal issue and collect data for an inquiry or application to a law firm, lawyer or solicitors service so they can ask unique question to do with the case.

You can have as many forms and pages as well as categories as the database supports. Each page can have a customised form associated with it where you can retrieve related information to do with the presentation of the case or issue you are seeking clients on for legal representation.

There are other application for this module which can be easily cloned or change to suit other forms of paginated liaise within your xoops site.

This is the first open release so please test and report any errors you are having.

In this version the XOOPS Captcha form element has been added to all form for spam prevention as well as a few reported minor bugs fixed with categories. There is also a system of validation points you can have where people have to validate via RegEx; a String Match or a Count higher than 0 on an SQL Statement including count(*) for the first field in select.

  • SEO Clean URL
  • Single Page Loading Fault

Download: xoops2.5_lawsuit_1.50.zip (123 Kb)

Demo: http://xoops.demo.chronolabs.coop

Profile 1.65 - Verbose Validation Edition (Final)

Profile 1.65
Verbose Validation Edition
Sponsored by Child Share and AFS Espania

Profile 1.65 is a version of Profile module for XOOPS that allows for a verbose registration to be done and comments on User profiles.

This has a field for validation that allows for Text Match, RegEx or SQL Validation to be used to prevent people registering with your website without having validation data of sometype such as an existing email address or an invite code or some regular expression statement.

Featuring still Multiple Fields, 2 Types of validation - one which uses JSON; the other that uses the Field $_POST validation method.

Simply upgrade your existing XOOPS 2.4 or 2.5 to XOOPS Profile 1.65 to experience the difference. We can really recommend XinCodes 1.02 for a user based invitation to be done.

I have amended the changelog and added the full featured system for verbose validation of a registration form. And you can have multiple stages of validation, on per step. This means our clients will have the option to have a closed system either through email or other system of referrer.

This is now bug free and fully featured in the 1.6x series of profile minor version number. It is ready to be distributed with XOOPS 2.5.1 and any future versions of 2.4.6

In this version you will have to select the rules you want to be used on a validation field unlike the earlier version which ran all matches, this is so you can have multiple stages of registration validation.

There are 3 types of validation these are explained below and will need to be formulated into a technical brief:

Validation types

Any preg_match clause for regex will validate the field if this is specified as on of the fields validations.

Match Text

Any binary match of the string specified here will validate

SQL Record Count

A Select statement that returns a record count only, if the count is over one then it validates. There is some scripting with the sql for example [value] will insert the text field value of the validation field, and/or you can include other fields in the form for example the one for username would be [uname] and you can have multiple of options like [uname|password] which would insert the first occurring field with value of either username or password.

An example SQL script is this one for check if the client knows an existing email address:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `prefix_userswhere `emailLIKE '[value]' AND `level` > 0

Just say for example you have a list of usernames in the table `prefix_badusernames` and you wanted to check email and username you could on step one of registration do the following:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `prefix_usersa,  ` prefix_badusernames bwhere `a`.`emailLIKE '[value]' AND '[uname]' NOT LIKE `b`.`uname`

Download: xoops2.5_profile_1.65.zip - 113 Kb

Demo: Pre installed at http://xoops.demo.chronolabs.coop or try http://www.xortify.com/register.php and put in my email address for validation. Notice how it unlocks the form wherever it is.
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X-Forum 5.70

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X-Forum 5.70
Multifielded Forum with Extras, Multisite & Multilingual

X-Forum is a completely extensible forum module for XOOPS, this is the complete stable release of the first version of 5 series, it includes multiple fields specifiable per post on individualized forums much like profile module. It does require Frameworks 1.60 or later. (framework available from http://www.chronolabs.coop/binaries/)

Designed for XOOPS 2.4 and later version, it was written in response to problems with earlier forum titles, that had in some cases installation issues. With a broad range of options. X-Forum is a great solution to your forum requirements, complete with RSS Features and image management. It will utilise a wide range of options and allow your community to discuss issues, raise topic and solution. Complete with .htaccess example and SEO with a medium URL.

It has the ability to aggregate categories and forums to languages as well as domains with multisite 1.40 or X-Language. This means you can have forms and forum which only display on particular domains or under certain languages.

With X-Forum you can have all the convenience of the modular newbb path without the result. Based on CBB with a sound environment that even your grandma can use, I know mine does this is solid stuff coming directly to you under GNU Licenses.

Complete with Easy Path SEO Guide and help in the preference, you can even with some simple SQL Injections transfer your old CBB 2.x or 3.x over to X-Forum with ease. NOTICE!!! The .htaccess has changed since version 4.70!! - this is included in the /docs path of the archive.

In later version we will be updating more the the templates to give it a nice evenly rounded abstraction without that old box XOOPS look from just static templates for you to build from.

Refactory Done:
  • No More Art Object - XOOPS 3.0 Compatible *
  • TCPDF - Used for PDF Generation
  • Multisite Support
  • X-Language/Multilingual Mode

Bugs Fixed:
  • WSOD for Block Last topic
  • Extra Fields Missing From Compact Display
  • Old Social Network Adds Removed
  • PDF Output now available

Download Now: xoops2.5_xforum_5.70.zip (13.3 MB)

RewriteEngine On

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RewriteRule ^forums/(.*?)/(.*?)/archive,([0-9]+),([0-9]+).html                                                             modules/xforum/archive.php?forum=$3&topic_id=$[L,NC,QSA]
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RewriteRule ^forums/viewall,([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),(.*?),(.*?).html                                        modules/xforum/viewall&type=$1&mode=$2&start=$3&since=$4&sortname=$5&sortorder=$[L,NC,QSA]
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RewriteRule ^forums/                                                                                                     modules/xforum/index.php [L,NC,QSA]

Upgrade Notice: It is important you upgrade from 5.6x
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Happy New Year : Xoops Themes By Agadirna

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Theme Naime: Happy New Year

Designed by: Agadirna

Category: 3 Column Themes

Two versions: Arabic and English

Demo : Click Here

Download :Click Here

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Happy New Year to all XOOPSers around the world!

Wishing all XOOPSers from around the world Happy New Year and all the very best in 2011!

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Don't forget - in 2011 we're celebrating 10th Anniversary of XOOPS!


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